Two by two

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Two or three days passed before they were finally able to go back to normal . All my hard work of taking care of them was finally payed off.
After thy left an said good byes , I cleaned up the medical room . It had been hours till finally the alarm went off . I quickly took my lab coat off , put my wings on and flew to my destination. It was a mountain and at the top I saw i person standing i front of someone . I ran up to the top and noticed a dark figure and.....Emma...
What I didn't know was that the person pushing her wasn't the dark but something else from my world. I recognized the hair and the eyes and knee immediately that it was none other than night mare moon . " hehe ... " she smiled and pushed Emma inside the mountain volcano. All my fear surged inside of me and I took my dagger out and rammed it into the nightmare . Tears flowed from my eyes , and I felt colder on the inside .

After chasing her for a while , night mare disappeared , leaving me in the middle of the woods .
Finding I was alone I fell to the ground and cried . When I lifted my head up it was dark outside , and two people were in front of me . It was speedy and Luke . They both looked at me with sorrowful looks and sat next to me patting my head . Luke was a guy that liked Emma and was deeply in love with her . When he told me the reason she didn't try to fight back when she was pushed was because it was her destiny.
Destiny....some fate huh.... I felt my whole world crumble around me , and I began to cry again .
When I awoke I was in my bed and speedy was stroking my hair . I smiled ; sometimes I'm glad to have him, I don't know if I could have held any of my feelings in .
" are you gonna be okay Roset?" He continued to stroke my hair and moved to sit on my bed . " yeah......I'll be okay...."I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder . " Roset , she was your best friend and I know you cared for her , I wish I could've stopped it..." He turned his head to the window sorrowful. " why now of all times though?" I pondered more questions when something came to mind . " maybe I need to ask Luna ....." I stood up and ran to the house , running into my room.
I laid on my bed and waited till I fell asleep . In my dream , again I was surrounded by darkness , but the atmosphere in the room was lighter and more up beat and happy . This time a pink light showed up in the middle of the room and a silver key danced from it , coming to me .
" hehe you seem jut like Emma...." Hoof steps came behind me , but this time it wasn't Luna , but it was celestia instead . " Ummm celestia , what are you doing here ?" " oh I've come to answer you questions , Luna is dealing with another subject today ." "Oh I see....any ways why are all these tragedies happening now ?? I mean my friends have to .....die...." She put a hoof on my shoulder and tilted my head up. " this was always meant to happen , and all will be in the end don't worry and be strong . " the world grew brighter and I woke up sad , and confused .

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