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Breaking Klaus Hargreeve's heart wasn't on Beatrice's bucket list. But, she knew she'd been given a second chance at living and she didn't want to waste it stuck in the academy. She was desperate to travel the world, yet she knew Klaus would never abandon his family for what Bea had in mind.

They'd had a blissful few months together after they'd rescued Klaus from Otis, but there was always something nagging at Beatrice in the back of her mind that she had her whole life ahead of her to do the things she'd always wanted. It's just a shame she couldn't do them with Klaus.

"Klaus... you know how I feel about you, but I can't stay here. You've given me a chance to do the things I always wanted to do... you can still come with me if you want to." Bea extended her invitation to travel the world to him, despite already knowing the answer.

"I know, and I need you to know I feel the same, Beatrice. That's why you know I can't go with you, I'd be choosing between you and my family and right now they need me."

Klaus didn't want to let her go, but he knew his family needed him... and he needed them. He knew he wasn't okay and he hadn't been okay for a long time. Beatrice had been a huge turning point in his life and his life support but he knew he needed to be able to figure his own problems out first before developing anything else with the girl who occupied his mind every second of every day.

"I know." Beatrice sighed, by now they were standing outside of the academy, her taxi waiting for her.

"Promise you won't completely ghost me?" Klaus asked, she'd never seen him so... unsure of himself.

Beatrice couldn't promise that.

She simply stepped forward and pressed a long kiss to his cheek, her lips lingering against his skin a little too long. She could hear his breath hitch slightly as he whispered, "goodbye, my dear Beatrice."

"Goodbye, Klaus." She replied softly before turning to leave, before she could walk away she felt his hand reach for hers as if to pull her back to him... but he let her go.

Beatrice's first stop was Paris, there were two reasons she wanted to go... 1. Because it was Paris... and 2. Because she'd seen the pictures in Klaus's bedroom of him in the streets of Paris and she thought it would be a touching farewell to this part of her life.

Beatrice was never going to close the chapter of her love for him, deep down she knew fate would bring them back together... but it was time for her to live the life she wanted first.

That's exactly what she did for 1 and a half years, she travelled the world, met new friends, found herself and who she was meant to be before the accident. Everything was perfect until she received the text she knew would come at some point.

*1 and a half years later*

It had been a year since Beatrice had been at the academy, she'd given her number to Alison in case of emergencies only, and when she got a text from Alison to say that Klaus wasn't coping at all Bea felt obligated to go back. She knew it was partly because of her.

Getting out of her taxi, she was standing right where she last saw Klaus. This time, the academy seemed... eerier. None of the lights were on.

Beatrice walked up the steps gingerly and opened the door, hearing its creak echo through the hall.

Dust coated the surfaces, there were cracks in the floor that weren't there before... Bea looked around in every room but there was no signs that anyone had been around recently. She paused before going into his room. She opened the door slowly, there was no Klaus in sight.

Instead, the bed was a mess, scrunched up paper was all over the floor. She picked a few of the pages up and saw the same few lines repeated on each one.

"Get out of my head!"

"Will this eternal suffering ever end?"

And the last page she picked up was simply one word over and over again, the writing was scrawled this time as if it pained him to write it.


She picked up the remaining pages and put them in the bin, yet she decided to keep the last page.

Shoving it into her bag, she took one last look around the room.

Klaus's favourite leather jacket was hung on the back of his door, she slowly took it down and held it for a moment. His scent lingered on the leather, bringing back all of the memories of him.

Suddenly a huge rumble erupted through the academy. Stunned, she ran out of his room and downstairs, leaving the academy.

Still holding his jacket in her hands, she debated whether to go back and put it in his room before a crack split open the sky. A blinding blue light erupted from it as Beatrice attempted to shield her eyes from it.

That was the last thing she remembered before she found herself tumbling from the sky.

omg !! sorry for making y'all wait so long for the first chapter of this second part but i promise more is coming soon ... and since s3 is coming soon there may be a part 3 of this book too if y'all want that?? thanks for reading :)

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