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Beatrice Rye was going to rule the world, metaphorically of course. Her mother had always told her she was destined for great things, she excelled in school and was on track to get into an excellent college — that was until her seventeenth birthday.

She was on her way home after picking up some groceries and had decided to take a different way home. Bea had seen the Hargreeves children on television and read about them in many newspaper articles, although years had passed since the city had heard of them she wanted to see the academy where the magic happened. She'd grown up idolising them and despite living not too far from the academy she'd never seen it in real life, nor the Hargreeves siblings.

Turning right heading towards the academy, she wondered what had happened to the children. Her eyes were constantly looking up at the beautiful buildings around her, until she spotted the one she'd seen on the television and in newspapers.

She stared at it in awe, at the umbrella on the front door, it was beautiful. Though some may find it a little sad that Bea was overjoyed by this experience, she'd always loved architecture, and especially this building.

Suddenly feeling the weight of the grocery bag in her arms, she turned to go home. In her daze, she didn't think to look at the oncoming speeding car coming straight towards her, and when she did it was too late.

In that split second all of her hopes, dreams and her future was gone. When her family found out they were distraught, and not being able to cope with the death of their daughter her parents would eventually leave the city and move to Canada, far away from the memories but keeping their daughter in their hearts.

Beatrice woke up in a dark room with faded wallpaper, she couldn't feel her body at all, everything felt surreal.

Looking down, she was still wearing her favourite faded yellow t-shirt and blue jeans, her eyes bulged as she looked at her skin. It was close to translucent, not entirely see-through, but it didn't look human.

Suddenly she was aware she was laying on someone's bed, she stood up gingerly and stared at herself in a full-length mirror on the wall.

She was staring back at herself, but it wasn't her. Memories flashed through her mind and the realisation sank in that she was dead. She was staring at the ghost version of herself.

With too much to process she sunk to her knees and sobbed, she wondered how her parents were handling it. She wanted nothing more right now than to hug her mother and father. Millions of thoughts ran through her head, how long has it been since I died? am I stuck like this forever? what happens next?

Terrified and feeling alone, she looked around the room and found the door, she went to open it with her hand before pulling back. Would she be able to touch or feel anything? She hesitated a moment before putting her hand over the handle, she couldn't feel it but she pulled the handle towards her and opened the door.

Relief flooded through her but it still didn't remove the feeling of dread. Where was she? Heaven? Hell? Still on Earth?

Stepping outside of the room she glanced around, she was standing on a balcony looking down at a chandelier hanging over a lobby. Something about it seemed familiar, she headed towards the stairs and walked downstairs, suddenly spotting the doors ahead of her with an umbrella symbol on the glass. She was inside the academy.

She thought all of this must be a nightmare, that she'd wake up in her bed and be at home with her parents. There was no way this was real. Walking into the living room she spotted a large painting of Five, and little reminders that the Hargreeves had grown up there.

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