∆ Chapter 8 ∆

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Gravity Falls - Mystery Shack

3rd POV

(Y/N) was laughing in his triangle form as he watched everyone that was in the room.

(Y/N): "I've been waiting a long time to get my revenge. Now nothing can't stop me from killing all of you."

Ford: "Impossible! You were supposed to be dead after we erased Stanley's mind! How are you still alive!"

(Y/N): "Oh! Just a small deal with a lovecraftian outer god that made me more powerful and almost absolutely immortal."

(Y/N)'s eye then turned red as he instantly shot a red energy beam at Ford which he barely managed to dodge.

Ford: "Everyone! Get out of here, quick!"

Most of them left the shack as Dipper, Mabel and Stanley stayed to help Ford.

Dipper quickly took out a very advanced energy gun that Ford gave him some hours ago as a gift. He shot (Y/N) which did nothing to him.

(Y/N): "HAHAHAHA! You think that will do anything to me Pine Tree?"

Stanley then tried to punch (Y/N) in the eye which he simply caught his fist and throw him through a window. Mabel went to help Stanley as Ford took out some kind of device.

(Y/N) looked at Ford for a second as the device suddenly shot a giant energy beam at (Y/N) which blinded him as the light was too bright. When the light dissappear there was no sight of (Y/N).

Dipper: "Where is he? What is that device Grunkle Ford?"

Ford: "Oh! This is a device I created ages ago after Bill died. This device is capable of erasing the physical form of any being leaving nothing behind, not even the soul of the entity."

Ford: "I made it incase Bill somehow returned, also an old friend of mine that I met when I was stuck in another dimension told me how to create it."

Dipper: "Oh, well that's convenient."

Suddenly they heard a weird voice behind them that seemed like it was speaking gibberish.

"Fvb'yl uva hssvdlk av kpl, Jpwoly"

(Y/N) recreated himself as his newest form appeared.

(Y/N): "I had enough of both of you!"

The entire Mystery Shack then blow up into pieces as everyone outside looked shocked. (Y/N) was floating above the destroyed shack while Ford was floating right in front of him.

(Y/N): "This time nobody will save you Fordsie!" He quickly turned Ford into gold again. Stanley and Mabel quickly help Dipper who was badly injured after the explosion.

(Y/N): "As for this world." He snapped his fingers as the sky turned red and multiple screams could be heard from the town. The sky seemed to break apart as multiple eldritch creatures started appearing.

(Y/N): "Now..what should I do with the three of you?" He said looking at Dipper, Mabel and Stanley.

He laughed thinking of what he was going to do when a laser hit his eyes, making him scream in pain and also temporarily blinding him.

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