Chapter 11

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"So, should we rent a cabin or just do camping?" Jeff asks, watching the trees pass them by as Y/N drives through Wisconsin.

"Either one. Cabins are remote enough we should be able to get by freely. We'll just have to travel a few hours for supplies and for you to kill," Y/N explains. "So, it depends on how comfortable you want to be."

"There's no way Slender is anywhere close to the cabins and we'll have to travel a few hours to search for him too. Do you mind if I disappear for a few days?" Jeff asks curiously.

"Keep your phone on you and I can deal with it. I'm buying us gps trackers too. My parents have a few connections and I can get military grade," Y/N tells him. "It'll let us drop our locations."

"What do they do again?" Jeff asks curiously.

"Dad was in the army and mom worked for the government. Required a lot of travel so that's why they were always gone," Y/N tells him with a shrug. "They didn't want to make me move so they taught me how to be independent."

"And you still came out as nice as you did? Crazy," Jeff mumbles as he stares out the window.

"You're not going to let that go are you?" Y/N asks with a laugh. "There wasn't any point being sour and upset about things. I may as well have just enjoyed life where I could."

"And you chose to do it with psychopaths," Jeff tells her with a snicker.

"Must have a few screws loose. I don't want to lose running water and plumbing so we're buying a cabin," Y/N declares. "We'll find one further in the forest so you have better access."

"You think I'll find him?" Jeff asks her.

"Not at all but I'm not going to stop you from trying," Y/N tells him gently.

"Thanks Y/N. For everything," Jeff tells her.

"No need to thank me," She tells him with a smile. "Stay here. I'm gonna get some flyers so we can decide on a cabin."

"Sure," Jeff says, watching her leave before he looks out the car window again.

He sighs as he looks at the expansive forest, wondering if he was making the right decision. Y/N was giving up her entire life for this. She was wasting money on a cabin just so he could try and fulfill a pipe dream. He shouldn't have called her. He should have just disappeared and let her live her life. He just......getting by without her upset him. He didn't want to let the only support system he had go. He probably would have killed her had she been present in the house when he attacked the rest of his family but she got lucky enough to be away. He just didn't understand why she was willing to give up so much for him! He had Liu but he doubted that Liu was ever going to want him in his life again. He nearly killed his brother. He'd be crazy to try and get Jeff in his life again.

"Alright, we have a good assortment to choose from," Y/N says after she climbs back into the car. "Look through this and see if there's any you like."

Jeff accepts the stack of flyers and begins flipping through the list of cabins, reading through the list of amenities each of them has. He pulls out a map and looks at where each of the cabins was located, deciding on one that was well into the forest. He had no idea where Slenderman might be but he knew he had to be deeper in the forest so the further in they could be the better.

"This one looks good," Jeff says, handing her the flyer.

"Hmmm, not bad. It's pretty remote too. I'll call and see how soon we can get it," Y/N tells him with a smile.

Jeff nods and lets her make the arrangements, the two getting into a hotel for the next few days while they wait for the chance to finally be able to move into the cabin. Thankfully it was furnished so they didn't have to worry about buying much. They get several weeks of supplies and food once the cabin is purchased, Y/N happy to finally have a room to herself. Jeff was relieved too, happy to finally see Y/N relaxed and content. They even had a television and radio, Y/N investing in a VCR and a ton of movies, Jeff amused at her childish excitement for everything she gets. She even buys him all of the available gaming consoles and games that she's able to get, opening up a P.O. Box so she can get mail from her parents. Jeff is surprised when she tells him she was in contact with the police, using a burner phone to speak to them.

"I told the police I was starting a new life and I would no longer like to be contacted. I gave them my parents' phone numbers for contacts but that's the last they'll hear from me," She tells him over dinner.

"Any word on Liu?" Jeff asks her.

"Nothing. Police are looking and even have him on the news but haven't found anything. He's been able to hide pretty well so hopefully he's doing well," Y/N tells him with a shrug. "I left him a few messages on the phone. I doubt he's gotten them but just in case."

"What about the police?!" Jeff questions.

"I used code. Remember that language you guys made up as kids?" She asks him with a laugh.

"I doubt he remembers but smart," Jeff smiles with a shake of his head. "I'm going to start my search tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll pack a bag for you. Make sure you're careful okay?" Y/N tells him gently.

"I promise," He tells her with a smile.

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