Chapter 19

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"Has anyone seen Y/N?" Slender asks.

"She didn't return home?" Offender asks in surprise. "She went out with me but I assumed she'd come straight home."

"We haven't seen her either," Jane says, a frown coming to her lips. "Think something happened to her?"

"She probably left. Knows she's not a killer," Jeff says with a shrug. "Oh well."

"Seriously?" Liu growls at Jeff. "Can't you quiet being edgy for once? She beat you fair and square in the game."

"So? Can't do anything if she leaves," Jeff fires back. "She knew she didn't have a place and left, simple as that."

"We need to go find her. Something is wrong," Liu says, ignoring his brother's words. "What if she's hurt?"

"We will search for her," Slender announces, everyone pausing when the door opens.

"Y/N?! What's wrong?!" Liu cries, rushing over and catching her in his arms when she collapses. "What happened?"

"I.....," She breathes out, her hands shaking as she looks down at them. "I didn't mean to."

"Y/N," Slender calls, gaining her attention. "You killed someone?"

"Yes......," She breathes, tears falling from her eyes as she trembles. "He was gonna rape her! She was a minor and he knew it! I had to stop it."

"It's okay, it's okay. No one blames you," Liu cries, trying to comfort Y/N.

"What do I do now?" She breathes out softly.

"Become my proxy. The first time is always rough. I could assign criminals to you and you can train to be one of us," Slender explains.

"One of you?" Y/N breathes, looking around at all the killers who had grown to be her family.

One of them......Could she kill again? The rational part of her brain was screaming at her to not do it. Hell, it's been yelling at her to leave since Jeff came into the house but she couldn't. She had come to love everyone so much. The emotional side is still panicked but when she thinks about it killing the man was worth it. She could become a vigilante with Slender's help. She could kill the guilty. It was hypocritical considering everyone around her but she could pick the crime!

"You're not seriously considering it? Y/N, you don't have to kill to be one of us. You already are," Liu tries to tell her but her gaze is on Slender.

"I can do it," She breathes, grunting when Slender grabs her by the hand and pulls her to him.

She yells in pain when it travels down her arm, gasping and falling to her knees when he finally lets go. She trembles as she looks at her arm, her eyes wide when she finds his symbol on her wrist. She reaches out and gently traces it with her finger, all pain quickly subsiding.

"Welcome to the club!" Toby chirps with a grin behind his mask. "This is gonna be a blast!"

"Y/N....?" Liu breathes, looking down at her.

"It's okay. I can do this," She smiles, gently shifting and pulling him into a hug. "I need to make my place somehow."

"Can I help pick the victims?" Liu asks, looking up at Slender.

"Absolutely," Slender agrees.

"I'm gonna go shower and change. It's been a long night," Y/N tells everyone.

She leaves everyone behind and goes to her room, turning the water in her shower to its highest setting. She sighs as she steps inside the water, just letting it cascade. Was she really doing this? She couldn't believe it but at the same time it's either this or she gets kicked out completely. She had a feeling she couldn't stay if she didn't do this. It was only a matter of time. She sighs and gets dressed when she finishes, crawling into bed and burying under the covers. She stares at her hands under the cover of her blanket, seeing blood every time her mind starts to wander. She had actually taken someone's life! And she was going to do it more. It surreal.

"Y/N?" I hear Slender call, pushing myself to sit up in bed.

"Come in," She calls, switching on the lamp on her bedside table.

Slender enters and closes the door behind him before he comes to sit on the edge of her bed. His head is turned towards her so she knew he was looking at her even without his features.

"Are you alright?" He asks her gently.

"I'm shock and amazement I guess. It feels so weird. I don't feel as guilty as I think I should which is weird. I'm scared and excited at the same time. When it happened I didn't even think. I could have just cut him but I just drove it into his neck instead," She tells him with a shake of her head. "Does it get easier?"

"Yes, it does eventually," Slender says gently. "Sometimes people will even grow numb to it. Killing criminals does help though. Unless they're child murderers I don't pay much attention to the rest."

"Like what happened with Sally?" She asks him gently.

"I was more terrified bringing her home than I ever have been. She lost everything including her parents and here I was being a father figure. I was scared she would hate me," Slender admits with a chuckle. "The first time she actually referee to me as her father I had never been so happy."

"I get it. When Liu and Jeff called me their big sister I was over the moon. Despite everything they were the best thing to ever happen to me," She tells him with a gentle smile. "I don't want to leave them."

"You don't have to," Slender suddenly tells her.

"Have to what?" She asks, looking up at him in confusion.

"Kill, you don't have to. You have my mark so you're protected and proxy abilities should develop over the next few days. You don't have to kill anyone if you don't want to," He tells her. "You're marked so you can't ever leave anyway."

"Really?" She asks him.

"If I ever tried to kick you out I'd probably have an uprising," He snorts with laughter. "Just as they've become your family they have become mine. I won't make you do anything that you'll hate yourself for. If you do decide to do it I will make sure you're only killing criminals."

"Thank you Slender," She breathes, shifting out of the bed so she can give him a tight hug. "Thank you for everything."

"Thank you Y/N. For being there for all of us. You bring a spark that I will never let die," He tells her. "You haven't eaten since yesterday. You must be hungry. Is there anything you'd like?"

"I would love (favorite food)," She tells him.

"Coming right up," He says, ruffling Y/N's hair before he leaves.

She smiles and collapses on her bed when he leaves, relief flooding through her. She wouldn't have to kill! She wouldn't have to AND she got to stay! Nothing could ruin this! She was just so happy! She gets up from her bed, freezing when she suddenly hears glass break. She grabs the bat by her bed, squaring off against the creature that just busted through her window.

"Hi there! Sorry to barge in but I need something to lure Slender," The creature says, it's voice and form demonic.

"Fuck off," Y/N barks, slamming her bat across its head before turning and running for the door.

She cries out when something grabs her ankles instead. She kicks and struggles, cursing herself for throwing away her damn knife. She latches onto the frame of her bed, grabbing something from underneath it. She pulls out her gun and easily loads it, firing it at the creature that's holding her. Her eyes widen when the bullets seem to just get absorbed, clawing at her bed to stay away.

"HELP! PLEASE!" She screams, not having anything else to save herself.

The creature gives one final tug and Y/N is drug from her window. Her eyes widen when she somehow seems to get pulled underground, watching the portal she was pulled through close and cut off her home. She returns to struggling against the creature that has her, grunting in pain when she's thrown against stone. The creature gets her restrained with chains, Y/N looking around. It seemed like an old rundown house that had been abandoned.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" Y/N snarls at him.

"I am Zalgo. Creepypasta Lord," The creature grins. "Welcome to hell."

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