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I froze at my spot.

The monster entered the room, its arm stretched out sideways, trying to find its way. Only the lower part of his face was intact. The upper part was sliced off. Disgusting blisters all around his body.

"I can't see." It whined, its teeth bared. I let go of Hyunsu and slowly without making any sounds moved backward, while he went sideways, standing against the cabinets. 

"I can't......see." it moved forward towards me. Tears burned my eyes and my lower lips trembled. I was terrified. I was only looking at it, I didn't realize that Hyunsu has moved from his place and trying to take the broken mopstick.

"I...c-can-n't see." It repeated as it came closer to me.

I tightly shut my eyes and my mouth with my hands afraid that my breathing would give me away. It was just a few inches in front of me. This familiar feeling of death, I guess I was supposed to die as a nameless extra. But I don't want to. At least not in the hands of a monster.

 I felt it coming closer. I was about to take a step back on the mattress when I heard a deep static voice saying "Ah...Ah." As if someone was testing the mic. It was really loud and before I could process it there was a crash sound. 

I quickly opened my eyes and saw the speaker which was right above where Hyunsu was crouched, in pieces. "I heard you." It growled and slowly turns back towards the front door. With his hands spread it went outside.

A few moments after that my legs gave out and I dropped onto the mattress, I started taking deep breathes to calm myself down.

Hyunsu cautiously went to the door and locked it then he came to me. "Are you alright?" He asked clutching my shoulder. I nodded, but there was a sudden throb in my head and I felt dizzy. I clasped my head and let out a groan.

"You better take some rest. You were awake the whole night right?" 

I slowly nodded my head again, lyed on the mattress, and fell asleep hoping i won't be haunted by these nightmares anymore.


"Hey! Hey, wake up!" I heard someone. I whined telling them to go away. "Please wake up, the monster might come."

When I heard the word 'monster' I jumped and looked around frantically. "Where is it?" Before I could realize they weren't any monsters, Hyunsu grabbed my arm and led me to the window. I looked down and saw a man going down the building using a rope. I could hear a little girl's voice, crying.

"Appa, don't go it's too dangerous!"

"Don't cry, Su-Yeong." The father replied. " Monsters might come if they hear us." He added.
Oh no! I need to prevent this from happening.

"Ajusshi." I interrupted, "Please listen to her, don't go."

He looked up, the fear was evident in his eyes. "But...My children i-i need to feed them."

" I know but if you die now, who will be with them." I tried to convince him.

He hesitated a bit but nevertheless started climbing up to his window. I sighed in relief but that soon turned to a gasp. 


There's a fucking monster behind him. 

It's an eyeball. A big eyeball that looks highly disturbing. 

Hyunsu's hand grabbed mine, I don't have to look at him to know he was scared. I am as well.

"Get out of there!" Hyunsu shouted.

The monster was fully getting out of where it came from. The eyeball wasn't connected to any body, or if it was we couldn't notice where it was. It was just a rope-looking strand.

"Dad!" The children screamed in horror.

The man was trying to get away from the monster, gripping the rope with his dear life. One wrong move and those kids will become like Hyunsu and me.

I can't help but feel disappointed, I knew this will happen, I know the future but I couldn't do anything to save the man and I felt even worse when the man lost his footing and fell down on the ground with a loud thud.

Hyunsu looked away while I still started at the garbage bins where the man's body has fallen upon.

My blood ran cold for the nth time today when I heard the children scream. I have to do something. But before I could do anything Hyunsu pulled me back and closed the window.

"What are you doing?" I shouted at him, trying to open the window but he wouldn't let me.

"You'll get both of us killed."

I scoffed and pushed him away, "If you don't wanna do it then don't. I'm not forcing you."

I removed his hands and opened the window. I can hear them screaming for help. I turned inside to look for something but Hyunsu beat me to it. 

"Get out of the way!" He shouted, holding the monitor of his computer. 

I moved away and he threw the monitor towards the monster.

'Does he have some major mood swings right now?'  

Hyunsu and I looked down but we both whipped our heads back inside.

The monster was coming towards us at full speed. We ran inside the room but didn't go out, who knows what was waiting for us on the other side. maybe death.

I frantically looked around for my blade. When I found it lying on the cabinet I faced the window.

The monster was peeking inside.

Why isn't it barging in? I can definetl-

The monster whipped itself around and another eye appeared on the other side of its 'head' and barged in with a loud crash, shards of glass flying everywhere.

I immediately ran towards it, the long blade in hand, and plunged it in the middle of its eye.

There was a slimy feeling seeping through my shirt. I didn't let go of the blade and plunged it deeper making the monster swerve its head very fast in every direction, dragging me along with it.

My body was getting thrashed around. I could feel bruises forming.

When I couldn't hold on any longer, I let go and was thrown in the middle of the room.

"Seohyun!" I heard Hyunsu scream, making me stand up swiftly. 

This isn't the time to be weak.

But when I stood up the monster's rope-like neck wrapped itself around me like a snake preparing its next meal.

Hyunsu was trying to free me out from the grip of the monster but it was too hard for him, not when the sword is still in the eye.

I can feel myself having difficulty in breathing. My insides were on fire slowly, but surely getting crushed. I couldn't utter a word. 


My eyes rolled back and I can't see straight anymore. Darkness slowly surrounds my vision.

The next thing I know was that I am lying on the floor, gasping for air. I was suddenly pushed up my feet. I groaned while clutching my stomach. My eyes met Hyunsu.

"Are we dead?" 

He looked at me weirdly and slapped the back of my head.

"Ahh, the fuck?!" I yelped out in pain, holding the back of my head.

"No, you're not dead, not yet so stand up." He shouted and pulled me towards the window. 

I managed to glance around the room and saw that the eyeball with my sword still intact was lying on the floor, gray and not moving, its neck nowhere to be seen. 

When we reached the window there was no sign of the monster, but something caught our attention to our left.

There was a man sitting on the edge of the window, holding something like a gun, pointing where the neck of the monster was supposed to be. 

He put his hand inside and pulled out a bottle of alcohol and drank from it.

I chuckled.

He saved us.

We're alive.

I'm alive. 

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