Chapter 9

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And so I run as fast as I can.

While the monster chased me knocking through walls.

The big glass window

Where the fuck is it?

I brought myself some time by going through small spaces but I can't keep doing it for long.

I need to find it.

I went through a small door frame giving me a chance to scan my surroundings.

There it is.


I turned to ugly who was trying to crack the wall.

"Hey, loser! still can't catch me huh." I stuck my tongue out, making Ugly even angrier, then walked towards the window so that it could see where I was heading.

When I reached the window, I tried to remember what exactly Jung Jaeheon had done here.

Oh! Of course, he prayed.

I mean it did work so let's try.

I joined my hands around the blade and started praying. 

"There's no greater umm love?...... than laying out? down?"

Fuck it

I cursed at the god.

"If I die here, I hope you bring me back to my world, or somewhere more peaceful."


I opened my eyes and turned back, the monster running to me.

Here goes nothing


It lunged towards me but I dodged it by jumping to the side, in a room, crashing onto the tables and chairs. On the other hand, the monster crashed and plummeted down the window.

I did it!

I fucking did it.

I sat up and looked at my hands clenching the sword. Tears welled up and for the first time since I got reincarnated here, I cried.

I cried so much that I didn't notice something approaching me.

"Here." A voice whispered beside me.

Startled I look to my side to find Jung Jaeheon kneeling and handing me a napkin. Seeing him made me cry even more as I remembered how he died.

Jae-heon loses one of his arms in the process of keeping the Security Guard Monster occupied while the others are too fearful of fighting it. Jaeheon then sacrifices his own life to have Eun-hyuk throw a Molotov cocktail, killing him along with the monster.

"Hey! It's alright the monster is gone," he reassured me.

I nodded, embarrassed that I cried in front of him.

It's been a long time since I cried in front of someone.

I accepted the napkin and wiped my tears.

"C'mon let us go." 

"The kids are alright?" I asked.

"Yes, they are alright." He replied. Then he looks at me in a way a parent looks at their kids when they get into trouble, "I don't know if I should call you brave or stupid."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The risk you just put on you wanna die fast?"



He did the same effing thing and now he is the one scolding me??

"You would have done the same." I pouted.

He looked back at me but didn't say a word.

We continued to walk and reached the corridor where Jisoo was waiting for us.

When she saw us, she came up to me. "You alright? Why did you even do that?"

Before I could reply, she saw my swollen eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Jaeheon. "Did you make her cry?" She accused him.

"What? No, i didn-" Jaeheon tried to defend himself but she didn't let him.

Jisoo linked my arms with hers, " He says mean things, don't take it to heart." saying that she led me to a room which was in the middle of the corridor, Jaeheon following us.


Ah, it's her room, she opened the door and we stepped inside. The room was really messy. Packets of empty rameyeon boxes, snack wrappers, bits of paper and pillows were scattered everywhere.

Jaeheon stepped in front of us in a defensive manner. "Wait, someone must have been here."

Jisoo looked at him, slightly offended, "You're pretty rude sometimes."

I tried my best to hold my laugh. "You two are the first people to come in my room," Jisoo said while she picked up a big sack and started filling it up with ramyeon boxes and clothes.

Wait does my room have food in it?

Because of my nerves, I didn't exactly check the kitchen cabinets I just packed the ones which were outside.

"Unnie," I called Jisoo. "Do you have another bag, I'll pick some things from my room too."

"Which room are you in?" she asked.

"1507" She nodded and handed me another sack which was bigger. "Thank you!"

Jaeheon who was awkwardly standing, stopped me, "Do you want me to come with you?"

I smiled, "It's alright. I'll be fine."

He wasn't convinced.

"If I am in trouble I will scream alright?"

He finally let go and I went to my room. Opening the door, It was still how it used to be when i left it yesterday. I feel like it's been weeks since I've woken up here. I went to the kitchen and opened the cabinets, there were Ramyeon, snacks, and instant rice. In the fridge, there were some eggs, milk a water bottle and rotten leftovers.

I quickly packed everything except for the leftovers then went inside the bedroom and packed a few shirts and pants. I checked if the shower was working in the bedroom, and luckily it did. I took black joggers and a tank top, quickly washed up and changed.

Feeling much better, I headed back but a book caught my eye. The journal in which I wrote in detail about this world.

Should I take it?

I shrugged and packed it too. I just shouldn't let anyone see it, anyways the first pages are about Seohyun's life.

I scanned the room, feeling satisfied, I went back to Jisoo's room. 

"There she is, I thought you were dead," Jisoo said. She looked at me, "You washed up?"

I nodded. Jaeheon took my bag to carry it.

"Let's go they must be waiting," he suggested and we set down to Duskin's apartment.

Jisoo opened the door and we walked in.

The kids were huddled on the bed, their eyes brightened when they saw me. Hyunsu was pacing left and right but stopped when he heard us. Seeing me, he came and put his hands on my shoulders, slightly pushing me.  "What were you thinking, risking yourself for?" He yelled at me, his eyes red.

I looked at him deadpan. Did he cry? for me? I smiled while removing his hands and ruffled his hair.

I went to the kids, crouched to their level and asked, "Are you hurt?"

The children shook their heads. "That's good to know." 

Mr. Han looked at me and I nodded. 

"We brought food. For payment, I guess since we will probably be gate-crashing here for a while." Jisoo scratched her head and looked around not catching any glances but caught mine.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Is that everyone?" Mr. Han asked us and Hyunsu replied with a simple nod.

"Thank you for taking us in." Jaeheon bowed to him. 

"It's all good, don't worry about it." He answeres. 

"You can drop off your bags here," I told them while pointing to the corner.

They removed the bags and put them down.

"Then let's get the food ready," Jaeheon suggested and everyone agreed.

I don't even remember when I last ate. Talking about food made me realise how much I am starving. 

"But first, those with messy faces, go clean up, the bathroom is right there." Mr. Han pointed to a door which was a few feet away from his work table. One by one everyone went inside.

I sat down on the floor, my hands between my head. 

I breathed deeply and exhaled.

I looked at my hands, covered with scars.

I just need one more chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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