𝟏𝟏 | 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝 jealousy

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"I'm not tired. I just don't want to be awake." —unknown

THE DRIVE TO Adrik's mansion was silent. Avelina had to mute her phone to end the numerous number of messages and calls from Miss Paola. She knew Miss Paola was probably worried, but Avelina didn't want to hear about how wrong of a decision she was making. She also didn't have enough energy to explain how it was more for the baby than herself.

Throughout the entire drive, she kept stealing glances at Adrik, the father of her baby. It was strange to see him that way. It was strange to see him at all after so long.

By the time they arrived, she was too tired to even think. Maybe the move could have waited for tomorrow, she told herself. However, it was already too late. They were already parked right outside Adrik's mansion.

Adrik got out of the car and opened the door. She instinctively placed her hand over her growing belly as she placed her feet on the ground. If she didn't need help, she wouldn't have let Adrik grab ahold of her and help her out of the car. However, carrying a heavy baby in her uterus was too difficult to not accept help whenever possible.

The moment she was out of the car, she moved away from Adrik. She didn't want o be near him any second longer than she had to. It scared her the way the need to be with him clung to her. She wanted to blame it on the baby. The baby, who knew their father and wanted to be with him, was the reason why her heart yearned to be in Adrik's hold just like before everything went up into flames. However, even she knew that wasn't completely true.

At the familiar aroma of an earthy scent caused by the flowers and trees surrounding them, a bit of nostalgia lurked in Avelina's mind. Nothing could stop the outpouring of memories as she thought back to all the smiles, laughs, and happiness. Even a feeling that she fought so hard to keep away resurfaced. It was the unique feeling that she hadn't known existed until she met Adrik. The purest form of love entangled with the hope that despite everything that happened in their pasts, there was beauty to exist in their futures.

Bringing her back to reality was Adrik who stood beside her with his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to continue walking. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes just be carrying on toward the front door.

"You must attend a doctor appointment tomorrow. I would like to accompany you," Adrik said once they made it to the door. She didn't want him to, but the baby was just as much his as it was hers. Her conscious wouldn't let guilt surpass her if she turned him down.

"Fine," she muttered reluctantly.

Just as Avelina reached to pull open the door, Adrik grabbed ahold of her arm. She harshly snatched her wrist from his hold with a glare.

"If you touch me again, I will be throwing more than just objects at you, Adrik. I meant what I said about wanting to be left alone," she threatened.

"Will you be 'throwing that ass back?'" Adrik asked, completely taking Avelina by surprise. Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped.

"What did you just say?" she questioned. Adrik tilted his head as he seemed to recall what he had told her.

"Will you be throwing that ass back?" he repeated. "I was scrolling through my social media yesterday and I saw a post that referred to 'throwing that ass back' as very pleasurable."

Her mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. After opening and closing her mouth again and again, trying to figure out just what to say, she ultimately gave up.

Adrik pulled open the front door and Avelina quickly walked in.

"I guess the answer is no?" he asked. She turned to him with a raised brow.

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