26 | mend loss

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ADRIK HURRIEDLY CALLED Avelina's hospital as he practically ran out the building. The hospital answered, and he asked for them to go check on Avelina. He was put on hold for a moment, and once they returned, they informed him that they were looking for her but they had Marina. Adrik didn't need to be told twice, he rushed to the hospital, driving faster than he ever had before.

Camilla's name was coming up quite a bit. It had gotten so bad to the point she had taken Avelina. He remembered hearing about her to report Avelina to her job facility and possibly get her license revoked. Not to mention, Natasha had texted him about her before, but she gave no insight into her identity. Now, she had taken Avelina, using Cheyenne as a distraction.

He was worried about Miss Paola and what actually happened to her, but that was to be solved on another day. For now, his main priorities were Avelina and Marina.

As he drove, he tried calling Natasha again but she didn't answer. He called her once, twice, three times, but each time he called, it always went to her voicemail. Finally, he called one last time and after a couple of seconds, her phone was answered.


"This isn't Natasha," a voice that Adrik quickly recognized as Vincent answered.  Adrik resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He was tired of dealing with Vincent's petty bullshit. He knew Vincent was never going to throw up the white flag, and for the cause of finding his girl, he was willing to take the first step.

He hesitated. "I lost Avelina."

"What the fuck do you mean you lost Avelina?" Vincent yelled.

"Where's my sister?" he asked.

Adrik was doing his best to drive safe while speeding like a madman. He was about fifteen minutes out from the hospital to get Marina before he would be forced to go to Vincent's so they could find out who Camilla was.

"She's locked away in a room. I thought you'd know seeing as she came here willingly as long as I left you alone," Vincent informed him. He wasn't aware she did that. 

A sigh settled with his distraught. He was going to go crazy from dealing with all the stress. Adrik needed to call his team and get some security.

"I need some help. I'll be there shortly," Adrik informed him.

"Wait, what the fuck did you mean by you lost—"

Before he could get the question out, Adrik hung up in his face and called Anton, the only person he knew he could really trust at the moment. It didn't take long for Anton to answer the phone.

"Boss," Anton greeted.

"How did the shipment go?" he asked Anton, referring to a weapon shipment they were supposed to get in from Russia. Anton was in charge for the past few months while Avelina was pregnant. Adrik didn't have plans on returning to work until they had moved into their new home and everything was settled enough for Avelina and Marina to be on their own.

"Good. We're going to get everything ready for the Canadians. They're looking to buy quite a bit," Anton explained.

"Actually, I have to ask for you to not do that yet," he told him. Adrik was finally back at the hospital. He parked his car and quickly got out. He didn't even bother with the receptionist at the front as he hurriedly made his way through the hospital. Avelina's room was full of panicked nurses and police officers.

The moment one of Avelina's nurses saw and recognized Adrik, she rushed over to him. Soon, a police officer came over to him as well.

"Avelina is not here?" he asked the nurse.

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