Chapter 7 - Bogeyman

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It was nearly five PM when our get-together ended, and Pastor Cordell dropped home as many of us would fit in his car. Mine was the farthest away, so I was the last to leave his car. The conversation was comfortable, and it was such a huge relief that he understood a lot of the pressure I had to go through because of my mum and Josh. Although I didn't divulge too much information, he reassured me that God knew my heart better than anyone else and that there was no need to hide from him.

He walked me to my front door, and I gave him the world's biggest hug I could muster as I thanked him for this afternoon. He went still for a moment before going ahead and patting my back in return. Mum opened the door and smiled when she saw us standing here. It was a sickeningly sweet smile at the sight of the man who she trusted would exorcise my demons. Well, the joke was on her. He knew God didn't loathe me that much.

Pastor Cordell knew God wasn't planning to condemn me to Hell for a sin I didn't commit.

"Hi Lori," Pastor Cordell greeted her after he reassuringly squeezed my shoulder. I slipped passed her as she responded with a disgustingly sweet voice.

Josh's bedroom door opened as I trudged up the stairs and he was inside my room just as soon as I was. The afternoon had gone so well, I really didn't need him to end it on a bad note. Whatever he had to say, I'd let it go in one ear and out the other. Tomorrow would be a brand new, equally positive day and Josh would no longer bother me.

"Who'd you run off into the sunset with then, huh?" he asked, jumping onto my bed. His question was far too sensible. I was expecting something more awful and vulgar, so the fact he didn't made me feel unbelievably uncomfortable.

"I went to meet with Pastor Cordell and a bunch of others."

My nerves just about made me break in a cold sweat. I was no stranger to having to tread carefully around him, but something about him just now put me on further edge. He seemed to smile callously, nodding, as if to accept my explanation. "For the youth group tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered, setting my bag down beside my desk and giving him a side eye. I didn't want to make direct contact in case that triggered him, but he seemed relatively at ease just sitting on my bed. I desperately wanted him to leave, but I knew better than to say it.

"I'll be going there tomorrow night," he said almost conversationally. "It's going to be a whole load of fun."

His words tripped me. I finally glanced at him and immediately noticed his malicious grin. My blood ran cold as a shiver swept down my spine, all the way to the tips of my fingers. There was no doubt in my mind that he had something in store for me tomorrow. He'd done so much to me in the past already, just what more did he need to do before he was satisfied? "Please leave my room, Josh," I said, turning to face him.

Josh stuck his legs out and manoeuvred himself upwards so that he stood within inches of me, puffing his chin out so that he came unbearably close to my face. The warm lighting cast menacing shadows down his face as he stared down at me hard. He was trying to intimidate me, and as I physically shook, he knew it was working. Josh always had to remind me of the power he had over me.

"My friends are all keen to see you tomorrow night," he sneered, looming above me. "They all can't wait to see Josh Caster's little bro."

"I'm not interested," I said.

Josh swooped his hand through his hair so quickly that I flinched as he raised it. When he noticed my reaction, he smirked and pummelled his fist inches from my face to make me flinch again. My heart nearly flew out of my chest. I lowered my head with a sigh, not noticing until too late when my head rested on his chest. When it registered what I'd just done, my head shot back up and I backed away so fast that my back hit the wall.

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