Chapter 26

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Russo's p.o.v

The whole school was gathered in the school gym before classes started. Bradberry did what she said will do. She was going to make herself out to be the hero of the story.

Yesterday might have been a different story but today since the other school didn't change their festival date, everyone was officially panicking. They were like a crowd of French people in the revolution, ready to see someone beheaded.

"I don't think you should do this, Russo. It seems too risky." Shay was looking at the crowd now gathered in the gym.

The teachers gave Bradberry time before classes to announce that the festival was getting canceled. Everyone was waiting for her to arrive and give a speech. I assumed she's late for a more dramatic entrance. It obviously worked.

Cause the crowd was growing anxious and riled up.

After Damyan had told me his idea yesterday, we went ahead and called over Luca and Shay for an emergency meeting. They couldn't believe what had happened with Bradberry and that she actually did it, but moreover, Luca felt guilty for not realizing it sooner since he always had a plan b for things like this.

However even I didn't predict this backstabbing.

I told them Damyan's idea and after the initial shock, Luca and Shay did their best to work around the idea and tone it down a bit since if it was left on me and Damyan, it would be considered murder with intent.

"Shay I have to do this or my social life goes out the door." I held her hand in a tight grip. "I have to do this as we planned. It's a risk but I'm doomed anyway. I have to trust this plan."

"You got this." Luca hugged both of us. "It's a good plan, you just have to deliver it at the perfect timing."

I knew that. I had to believe that what we came up with, was a good idea.

"Thank you for supporting me guys."

"We promised we'd help you become president," Luca said with pride.

Damyan, who was standing on watch outside, walked inside the gym and looked for us in the crowd.

"Over here." I waved.

He walked over. "Bradberry just arrived."

She entered the gym and instantly the chatter died down. Sabrina and Tomislav, the other two most important people in the student council, walked behind her and they headed towards the stage.

Sabrina gave me a sad smile as they passed by me and Tomislav ignored me completely.

If he had lost faith in me, that wasn't good.

Bradberry was shining. She was dressed in the best clothes and her hair was done nicely. She behaved like a winner and was ready to put an end to me today.

Everyone was waiting for her speech.

She climbed the stairs, got up on stage and took the microphone.

I pushed people aside to be closer to the stage. She saw me and gave me an unbothered look, before focusing on the crowd.

"Most of you know why we're here today." She was standing at the center of the stage. "The Christmas festival is the biggest event this school has ever done. However without the other schools dropping out of this event we can never compete nor gather the people we need to earn the funds back. And since the other school won't back out, we have to cancel the festival."

There were heavy sighs and disappointed faces but people had expected this.

"It's been a constant struggle these three years and.." She paused, giving everyone a sympathetic look. "I, just like you, really wanted this to work out and do this festival. But it's also important to be brave and pull back when needed."

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