Chapter 10

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It was a nightmare-free night for Harry, but Severus was restless. He was worried about Harry's check-up results. He regretted the way he had been treating Harry throughout the boy's first year and that he hadn't checked up on the boy the whole 10 years he was at the Dursleys'. he hoped Lily would forgive him.

Next morning, he woke up to Albus helping the elf cook breakfast.

"Good morning, Severus"

"Good morning, father"

"When is Mark stopping here for Harry's results ?" - Albus asked while cracking an egg.

"I think after breakfast, about 9?"

"May I stay for that?" - Dumbledore ask hesitantly.

"Yes, I think. Why would you ask me?" - Severus said, raising an eyebrow

"Well, I think in order to give you a 'tryout' for guardianship, I should give you a say when it comes to Harry" - Albus said, his eyes twinkling madly.

Severus sneered at him. But at that moment, an alarm went off in his head. He had cast a monitor spell around Harry's room before going to bed to alert him if Harry was in distress. It was signaling him that Harry had probably woken up. Severus suddenly went quiet and looked serious.

"What's wrong, Severus?"

"The boy had probably had an accident. I'll be back with him for breakfast." - He said and hurriedly came up the stairs to Harry's room.

He knocked and came in, Harry was sitting in his bed, crying. He hated those 'creatures' who had made Harry think it was bad to have an accident.

"Harry, what's wrong?" - He said softly as he approached the boy. He knew what happened but he wanted the boy to open up to him.

"D...don't. I wet the bed. I'm disgusting" - Harry said between his tears.

Severus kneeled down in front of the boy and held the boy's chin up.

"Harry, you're not disgusting. I know you didn't mean it, so it is not your fault. I know the relatives have taught you otherwise but they're liars. Don't believe anything they told you, ok? Mark has checked your bladder and we'll see what he'll say today, ok?"

Harry nodded and calmed down.

"Let's get you cleaned up and have breakfast, ok? The headmaster is waiting for us"

He led the boy to the bathroom in the hall and let Severus take off his clothes. Then he stepped in the shower while Severus came back into his room to get him fresh clothes and clean the bed.

10 minutes later, the two of them came down where Albus was setting up plates.

"Hello, Headmaster." - Harry said shyly where Harry was standing by Severus' side.

"Good morning, my boy. Let's have breakfast, shall we?" - Albus said enthusiastically. If there was one thing Albus could do, it was being happy and excited all the time.

Harry sat down while Severus poured him a glass of milk. The elf and Albus made omelette, sausages, bacons, toast, blueberries and strawberries for breakfast. As usual, Harry wasn't able to finish the plate that Severus served him. Albus watched him the whole time, the man hadn't noticed how little Harry ate during the school year.

After they finished, Toppy cleaned up and they went in the living room to wait for Mark, Harry trailed after them shyly. Severus had just made the tea when the floo flared and Mark appeared.

"Hello, gentlemen"

"Hello, Mark. Have a good day" - Albus said warmly.

"Thanks, Albus. I have come to give you the results of Harry's check-up"

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