Chapter 16

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The next morning, Severus woke up early and did his usual morning routine, then he came downstairs for his coffee. On the way, he stopped at Harry's door to check on the boy. The boy was asleep, curling up on his side and clutching the stuffed toy. His Paddington blanket was wrapped around him. Severus wouldn't admit it to anyone, even himself but the thought came before he had a chance to do anything, the boy was cute.

He shook his head and continued downstairs. At this rate, he would lose his touch once they got back to school. The boy wouldn't fear him and obey him anymore. But no, he shook his head again, he didn't want the boy to fear him. He would teach Harry to obey, but the boy wouldn't be scared of him. He deserved to have an adult to come to when he needed him.

He had his morning cup of coffee and read the Daily Prophet. At 7.45 am, he decided to come to wake Harry up. He frowned, when had he started waking the boy up? He thought he had told the boy he expected him to be in the kitchen for breakfast at 8. He walked up the stairs and knocked on Harry's door twice before coming in. Harry was still in the position which Severus had seen him in an hour before.

He rubbed the boy's back gently to wake him up.

"Mr.Potter, it's time to wake up"

The boy stirred but didn't wake. Instead, he leaned into the man's touch. Severus looked at that sadly. The boy was so starved of affection.

"Harry, come on. Toppy is preparing breakfast"

This time, Harry opened his eyes and looked up sleepily at Severus. The man placed his hands under Harry's armpits and helped him sit up.

"Slept well?"

Harry nodded.

"Come on"

He helped Harry get off the bed but as soon as his little feet touched the ground, he stumbled and would have fallen if Severus hadn't caught him. The man shook his head amusedly, the boy was so disorientated that he couldn't walk. Severus picked him up, placed him on his hip, and walked to the bathroom. There, he help Harry wash his face to wake him completely and helped him take off his wet pull-up. The boy only flushed. Severus then walked out to get him fresh clothes.

"Take a shower. I'll get some clothes for you. Then come downstairs for breakfast."

10 minutes later, Harry came down. They had a pleasant breakfast in silence. When both of them had finished, Severus spoke up.

"Draco will arrive at around 9. I believe you remember our talk last night?"

"Yes, sir." - Harry answered

Harry was anxious and worried. Would the man be like when they were at school? He'd better stay out of the way, so he wouldn't anger anyone.

"Can I be excused?"

Severus raised an eyebrow but said yes. Harry got back into his room and started reading his storybook. 10 minutes later, he heard the floo roar and knew the brat had arrived. He quietly walked out of his room, walked down the stairs, and stopped halfway down to listen.

"Uncle Severus!" - he heard the cheerful voice.

"Draco, nice to see you again" - the man answered.

"Severus, thank you again, see you in 2 days" - a strange voice that Harry believed belonged to Malfoy Sr addressed the man and the boy downstairs.

"Bye, dad"

And then, Harry heard the floo roar again. That's it. Here came the most awkward and probably the worst days of that summer so far, living with his nemesis.

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