What is love ?

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Like really what is love ??
I always wondered that, maybe love is having butterflies in stomach when you see that person or love is maybe liking someone in the first sight.

Is that what love is called ??
Because thats what i heard according to the people around me.

Im a confused soul right now but I'll figure it out soon i guess
Stay tuned with me to see how my life turns.

By The Way
Im Samaira and im 19 years old
And im in the first year of graduation and im new to this university i joined recently.

Im really hoping i will find somebody soon.

A part of me is hopeless romanticist but the concept of love sometimes scares the shit outta me

Attachment with someone can either ruin you or make you a better version of you.

Without knowing which will happen how can i give myself to someone ?

People say i overthink stuff but dont you think that everyone should think all of the things in detail because being with someone who is a completely stranger and dont even know how the person is deep down even though he is fine outside

We don't know how he is from inside

People think im over reacting and overthinking and i should get a boyfriend just like that...

Well im not that kind of girl who gets a boyfriend and have fun with him and then have another affair with another guy

I have the bad habit of getting attached to someone and once im attached i cant let go

Memories are too important...

People dont understand these small and Little things which matter to us really...so important...

Tomorrow is the first day of my college and i dont know if I'll be able to find a guy who fulfills me inside not outside....
Hoping for the best
Wish me luck !!!

Stay tuned to see how my life turns out !!!

:) <3 :)

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