Friends ???

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Next day of my college casual day and that creepy guy wont stop staring me in class

That made me wonder what he is thinking about me !!??
Is there something on my face

I hope if i ask him he dont reply me with you have Beauty on your face lol

Old pickup liners

People call him stefan but i prefer to call him creepy guy

After class is over i was about to leave and he grabbed my hand in the mid way

I was like WTF is he doing
I was in a panic mode actually
Then he grabbed me towards him slowly damnn that felt like a dramatic pull towards him
Like we see in animes and movies hehe

His height is 6'0 and im 5'8
You can imagine the rest
He whispered in my ear

"You dont look good in white clothes"


Then he pushed me away and went across the corrider

I mean really ?? I dont wear white clothes to impress boys i wear it for myself

Yesterday he was telling me he liked my hair colour now he says he dont like me in white clothes

What is up with this creepy guy
Did i ask him huh??
Yeah tell me did i ask him ?????


And i was walking towards the corridor pissed off and walking fast and then i saw him with boy in corridor covered in blood

I was terrified i ran towards them and asked them what happened ????

The boy said i was bullied by our seniors (sobbing with wounds)

The boy : Stefan fought back and saved me otherwise my leg would have broken today.

Stefan was looking down calmly with blood on his forehead and hands he was hurt !!!!

I rushed to medical room of our college and got medkit and helped the boy.

After that i put bandaid to the creepy guy on hands.

I told him to lift his face up so that i can apply ointment and put bandaid

The minute he lift his face up

felt like i saw
In his eyes
His eyes looked at me like he know me from a very long time and he love me infinity

I didn't wanted to end his staring

Never observed him from the near ughh his eyes

There i felt a feeling in my chest and an urge in my stomach (not pooping of course)

And heart pounding so fast

Is this what people called
"Butterflies in stomach"??

Lol i dont know i think so !!!!

And then the boy left and i said i will leave him till house the boy refused and said its okay my parents will come and get me

And then i looked at the creepy guy and said to him I'll help you to reach home !!!

He said thats absolutely fine with a charming smile on his face
I never seen him smile before lol

That smile was heartwarming...

He proceeded to leave but then turned back and came towards me and asked me putting his hand ahead...

Stefan : FRIENDS ???

I was like ohh he speaks...he is normal lol

Then i said yeah sure

Im Samaira call me Sam !!!

He smiled...
And then i told him since we are friends from now im not letting you go home alone I'll drop you

He smiled and said okay !!!!

I just felt like damn i will do anything for his smile hahha

Then i walked with him till his home talking about college and stuff

He is not that talktive
I knew from the day 1 that he is an introvert
I was the one talking about how college and lecturers and subjects are...

We finally arrived his house

Then i told him to take care and byee

He smiled and said thank you for today i will take care and byee

I turned back and started walking then he called me

SAM !!!!!!!

I felt like that again something in chest and stomach and heart pounding

Yeah that butterflies shit i guess

I turned back so dramatically haha

He said


i was like WHAT THE FUCK ?????

I expected something else you dipshit you Motherff.......

Ahhh calm down

I just looked at him awkwardly and then left home being pissed and thinking to myself

He can never be a good guy he is still a CREEPY GUYYYYYYYT


i went home walking fast pissed offf.....!!!!!!

(Next Part : Sam meets new guy friends and how that effects her love life she in love with the creepy guy or she will fall in love with someone else?? Is stefan right for her ?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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