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Well here i am...first day of my college and as i walk into my classroom i saw a boy

Blonde plain hair
Blue eyes
Tall cute and handsome
Wore a white shirt tucked inside a black pant
And expected a smirk or a shiny smile...


As i walked in he looked at me and i swear he looked at me very seriously and it just felt like he is staring into my soul and analysing me and found out
AND MY DARKEST DEEPEST SECRETS !!!!!!!(in panic mode)

I need to calm down !!!
My heart is pounding so fast !!!!
I smiled at him when he saw me but he ignored me and he continued to write his notes again

I was like
WHAT THE FUCK !!??(arrogantly)
what was that for ??? I mean how can someone be this rude like it made me mad at one point

I expected to feel Butterflies in my stomach as i see some guy like everyone says thats how love feels like but all i am is pissed off because of this guy's behaviour
Ughhh !!!

I went and sat on my chair i can see him he is 3 chairs away to left row i sat in the middle row

Well at first i thought maybe its because of the way i look

I have light curly brown hair
Hazel brown eyes with specs as ornament that stupid doctor gave me
And im 5'8 yeah i know im tall hehe
Wearing a normal casual blue top Beige bottom and a black coat

Soo yeahh im average looking girl

But he stared at everyone like that whoever came to the classroom i think he have some problem or something im unable to figure it out but i wanna know about him
Every single detail like i wanna know at any cost

And class was over first day of college was good except that one stupid creepy guy

As i walked out and putting my things in my bag that creepy guy came towards me slowly and whispered in my ear

"I like the color of your hair"

And then looked at me seriously like im a terrorist or something and then walked away in hurry like he is getting late for his job which is to give creepy comments to every single person he sees

Ugh i dont get this guy like seriously !!!
What is he ??
What does he thinks ??
What he feels !!??
What is with that creepy look is he a spy or something ?!
Or he is bad man ? Who kidnaps girls and then .....ohh !!!


Im overthinking...!!!
Ughh i should take a deep breath and let it go and i should stop being an anxious girl ughhh !!!

(Next Part : Sam and Stefan will be best friends but how ??)

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