Chapter 7

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Avery's POV

"Well shit..." I mumble quietly as I start stirring awake. I try opening my eyes but have to suddenly shut them again so I could adjust to the light a little better. I'm also able to smell this soft lavender and citrus like scent and it's almost intoxicating. As all of my senses are coming back I also feel a warm embrace and some movement as if I'm in a warm hammock.

That would have been amazing if what was the case but then reality hits me and my eyes snap open again.

There she is, the beautiful stranger that knows my name just effortlessly carrying me god knows where.

She looks down and smiles softly at me "you were out for literally a minute. Are you okay?" She asks and slows down her pace fully expecting me to try and fight her and to jump out of her arms.

And that's exactly what I do though in my head I thought I'd be able to land on both of my feet. Before I can land straight onto my ass I feel two strong hands holding me up and pulling me back up. I brush the girls hands away from me and jump back and away from her before placing my hand on my left temple.

"You still haven't told me your name. And what your purpose is." I mumble before lowering my hand and looking up at the brunette.

"I'm Mila. And that's all you need to know for now" she says with a shrug and starts turning away from me.

"I'm not finished with you!" I snap at her and grab her arm which makes her freeze and stare at me with the coldest look I've ever witnessed in my life.  "I... uh.. I-I want to know your full name. And why you're after me. Are you going to kill me?" I ask in a softer tone but still with my back straightened and my chin held up high to make it seem as if I'm not afraid of her.

"Mila Aros." She replies in the same soft tone and takes a hold of my hand. She removes it from her arm and drops it before placing her hands into her coat pockets. She smirks and shakes her head "don't worry. No one's after you unless you've been seen with me. I don't know why but I'm just fascinated with you. And it's not like I've been following you aimlessly. I've been doing some work here and there. As well as learning more things about you. Trying to find the courage and the right words to say to strike up a conversation." The brown eyed girl explains in a matter of fact tone as if to make it seem less creepy than it already was.

"So you've been stalking me and killing people wherever I visited?" I say with a humourless laugh. "You know, if they start looking for suspects eventually they'll get to me because I've been in all the places where you've murdered. If you have that is. But since you have multiple identities they won't even pin you down on any of them. You're invisible." I say shaking my head before I look back up at her. How could I be so dumb and careless. How could I not notice the pattern. How did I not read the news to see if anything was going on around me? Why was I so self absorbed?

"You haven't been reading the local news papers in whatever country you've been staying at. Have you?" Mila mumbles finally looking back up at me with the same fake smile as if she had just read my mind. "You're good... really good. But this was a really big oopsie that slipped your mind huh? I'm also upset and ashamed of myself that I haven't done my research better." The brunette adds and raises both of her hands to rub her face to cover her frustration with herself.

"Of course you're one of us. You're new therefore you only have your own original identity before you start going international. Is this the new form of training? Travelling the world to get somewhat familiar with certain places before you're actually thrown into work?" Mila asks with slight amusement evident in her voice.

"Oh no the travelling part was all me. They no longer fund our travels for our own pleasure or as a way to familiarise with the spots we could be assigned to the most. Instead they fund the assassin part of things." I say with a little smirk and cross my arms. Rookie mistake.

The sudden movement of my arms triggers the brunette so she whips her gun out and points it straight at my face again.

"Shit! I'm so so-" before she can finish my own instinct had kicked in so I grab her gun by distracting her with a blow to her extended arm and start walking backwards slowly whilst pointing her own gun at her.

"Doesn't feel so nice does it?" I mumble and tilt my head towards her gun to make sure she knows what I'm on about.

"Ouch. That'll bruise my arm as well as my ego. Rookie mistake." Mila says with a smile and before I know it I'm tackled onto the grass. How sweet, she made sure my landing was soft. Doesn't mean that she's forgiven for pointing her gun at me or stalking me.

We both land with a huff and both look over at my hand that's still holding a gun as if I had a death grip on it. Before she can snatch it I throw it to my right before grabbing her arms and kicking her over me so I'd be free again and jump back up. Having just pass out from all this stress and all these revelations makes me a bit unsteady on my feet which gives her some sort of advantage which she uses to pin me against one of the trees.

It takes us both a few moments to realise just how close to each other we currently are. Before I can head butt her to get my freedom back I hear some people in the distance. The next best move in my mind is to grab the girl in front of me by the back of her neck and pull her in for a kiss to not cause suspicion.

One thing leads to another and we're making out as the other tourists are slowly making their way away from us. This wasn't planned. I barely know this girl. She's probably out to kill me because of my stupid mistakes of not being more careful.

Once there are no footsteps in the distance Mila pulls away panting and tries to catch her breath before speaking "is this... some sort of new method... to distract the victims...?" She asks catching her breath.

I shake my head panting before I look up at her as she's much taller than me.

"Didn't want to... draw attention" I reply with a shrug and slide my hands from the back of her neck onto her shoulders. I gently push her away but she doesn't budge.

"We've gotten this far. Why not take it all the way?" The brunette questions me with the tilt of her head which makes me scoff.

"Take me out to dinner first." I mumble and push her with more force which finally makes her move. "Besides this place is still toxic and it takes me a long time to uh... you know." I add heading towards the direction of her gun.

"Oh? Is that so?" She questions staying a few steps behind me. "If that's the case then let's get dinner tonight. And see how fast I can make you-"

"Only if you drive me around in that fancy rental of yours. And pay for the dinner." I say suddenly stopping in my tracks which makes Mila walk into me. I bend down against her to pick up her gun and turn around to face her again.

"All these terms and conditions huh? And I thought you were this nice innocent girl next door that'll do whatever she's asked to do." The brown eyed girl says with a slight blush to her tanned cheeks as she's just been caught staring at my back side.

"Unfortunately for you I'm the complete opposite" I reply with a wink and wrap my arms around her lower back to place her gun where it originally was. "Will that be a problem? A turn off?" I ask sliding my hands slowly against her belt before placing them back into my pockets.

"Oh no I love the challenge. Maybe I'll even occasionally switch positions for you." The brunette says quietly leaning in towards me.

"You're saying you'll only occasionally top me? I didn't expect you'd give me all the power just yet anyway as you're trying to hide the fact that you're a pillow princess." I say with a big smile and lean closer to her too.

"Who said anything about you topping me or even having any sort of control? Clearly I'm the top!" Mila says with a slight frown but keeps inching closer to me.

I smirk and shake my head at her "We'll have to see about that kitten" I whisper against her lips to tease her some more and before she can respond the alarm goes off meaning we need to head back and that's exactly what I do.

"This isn't over!" Mila shouts chasing after me again

"Of course not. I'd hate to miss out on hearing you scream my name and beg me not to stop." I state looking over at the girl next to me and wink. She snorts and beams at me shaking her head before nudging me gently.

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