Chapter nineteen

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"Oh Lizzie, you came!" Elouise pulled her in for a hug. "You can help me discover clues for my quest!"

Lizzie laughed. Ever since the wedding Elouise had all but recruited Elizabeth for her mission to discover the identity of the mysterious Lady Whistledown. And her enthusiasm for her task only increased after The Queen instructed her to find out the writer's identity too. Elizabeth was more than happy to join in for a past time and could see it helped her friend who was clearly upset over something with Penelope. Lizzie had tried a few times to broach the subject with both girls but had no luck, all she got was an mumbling rant from Penelope about her first season and Elouise would change the subject completely. She was hoping to reunite the pair at the Bridgerton annual Garden party, but she had yet to spot her brightly dressed friend.

"Lizzie, do you not think Elouise's time would be more well spent preparing to enter society next season. Perhaps if Lizzie joined us to lower your skirt at the modiste next week?" The Viscountess smiled joining the two young girls.

"Lower my skirt so what? I can practice apologising to some turnip who has stepped on my toes." Elouise snapped back relieving Lizzie from answering.

"you should practice with your older brother, he needs it" Lizzie giggled as she thought of the times where she had stomped on his feet.

"Who? Anthony?" Elouise looked perplexed while violet amusingly raised her brows awaiting a response.

Almost instantly Elizabeth's face heated as she realised, she had not thought that but said it out loud to the group. She was not sure what she should say and began to fluster trying to think of an answer when she could see the devil himself walking towards the group with one of those charming Bridgeton smirks that made Lizzie mad to her core. He was wearing a very similar jacket to the one he wore at Daphne and Simon's wedding reminding her of their moment in the drawing room and how he had made her red faced and flustered for a completely different reason. "Lizzie? What about Anthony?"

"My ears are burning" He announced pulling Lizzie from her flashback. "What about me?" He grinned making direct eye contact that made Lizzie flush again, at this rate she would resemble the rose bush she had seen earlier.

"Nothing" She mumbled.

"Mother, Sister." He turned his attentions to his kin. "Might I steal Miss Priestly? Her Aunt wishes to speak to her"

Lizzie looked around the garden and could not see her aunt. "I will save you the trouble my lord and find my aunt alone"

"Nonsense child, let Anthony escort you" The Viscountess pushed. "After all he knows where she presides right now"

"I-" She began but Anthony had already taken her hand and began walking the pair away.

"You know I'm quite capable finding my aunt" She yanked her arm away from him. "Alone."

Anthony laughed fixing his jacket and turning to face Lizzie onwards stopping her in her track.

"Oh I know"

"Good, then I shall relief you and find my aunt my lord" She faked a smile.

"I lied" Anthony proclaimed before she could walk away. "How else was I to speak to you without my sister attached to your arm. You know it's very charming and vexing how taken she is with you"

"you lied?" She could not believe his audacity.

"Yes" he laughed. " I believe I have already established that"

She shot him a stern eye and began to stroll away again with Anthony hot on her heels. "You look rather beauteous today, Miss Priestley"

Elizabeth frustrated with The Viscount persisting flirting stopped walking and pulled him to the side lines of the garden party. They were still close enough to the party that they are in sight but far enough away that no one would hear their conversation. "Why do you want to speak to me my lord? Surely there are plenty of other women at this party or in the ton whom you can bother with your rakish ways."

"You truly do not remember my intentions?" He frowned searching her face for an answer.

"My lord you have completely lost me"

"The night of where I challenged Simon?"

Elizabeth frowned remembering the kiss between the now married Duke and Duchess; And how Anthony had acted in a rash manner. "Your intentions that night my lord were undignified. I don't understand why you like to remind me of your hypocritical attitude towards me." She whispered angrily remembering. 

Anthony's heart dropped seeing her fight back tears; She had mentioned before in his room that she did not remember their conversation in her aunt's garden that night. He assumed she was just overwhelmed and was recovering from her fall, but it was now clear that Lizzie had no idea of his intentions. No, she still believed him to be a rake of the first degree who has played with her reputation. "Elizabeth, I-"

Anthony was interrupted by Colin who had loudly asked for the attention of the party, He shook his head and went to continue his speech to Elizabeth, but she had already joined the crowd surrounding his brother. He cursed inwards and joined too.

"May I have everyone's attention"

Anthony groaned inwards knowing this would not be a good sign seeing his brother make an announcement to the party with Miss Thompson on his arm. Elizabeth shot him a stern look in response.

"I would like to make a small but rather important announcement" Colin beamed and looked at Miss Thompson with delight. "I have happy news to impart, I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife and she has accepted."

The party erupted into applauses as the seemingly happy couple were instantly surrounded by congratulators. Elizabeth noticed Anthony had made a beeline to his mother.  Something told Elizabeth that none of the Bridgerton's were aware of this engagement nor the couples courtship.

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