Chapter Twenty Two

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"Thank you again. Lady Bridgerton" Elizabeth smiled sipping her wine in the drawing room of the Bridgerton house with Elouise and Lady Bridgerton. All her worries for seeing Anthony again were in vain as it seemed he was away for the evening. And with no appearance from the viscount, Elizabeth found that she had the most pleasant evening with the rest of the Bridgertons. And now with the younger siblings retired for the evening and the boys off to the gentleman's club, it was only the three women left to have a nightcap after satisfying dinner and evening.

"Now Elizabeth. If you insist so much that I call you by your Christian name then I urge you to do the same" Violet smiled. "It is always a pleasure to see you"

"Plus I believe my Elouise would never let me know peace if I refused" She teased.

Elouise responded with a grunt as she continued to indulge her book. "You should come to the house whenever you wish Darling. And after the season is over you must visit us in the country"

Elizabeth smiled remembering what Colin said about Aubrey Hall and Anthony's attachments to the country. "I'd like that very much indeed."

Of course, Lady Bridgerton had high hopes that by the end of the season, her eldest son and Miss Priestly would realise their feelings and Elizabeth would be joining the family for the country as the new viscountess. But she knew Anthony would not take well to pushing. She however felt a little nudge in the right direction would not hurt.

"Elouise my dear. You are practically falling asleep in that chair. Go to bed"

Elouise once again responded with a gruntled sound and began to shuffle her way out of the room before mumbling a good night to her mother and her friend. Elizabeth tried to contain herself from laughing at Elouise's almost comical performance leaving the room.

"You are a good influence on her" Violet smiled pouring the pair one more nightcap. "Yes, well I don't know if I can say the same about me. But I try my best to keep her out of trouble." Elizabeth laughed.

"I will never have a little sister but if I was to I would hope she is just like Elouise" Elizabeth pondered as she swirled her wine around slowly in her glass.

"Perhaps you'll gain a little sister through marriage" Violet smiled.

"I'm sure my aunt has mentioned my reluctance to marry" Elizabeth laughed. "It's unlikely I ever will"

Violet frown. "Lady Danbury has mentioned something along the lines of that. Why are you reluctant? I know it is not over a lack of interest. I have been well informed by my children and lady whistledown of your season"

Elizabeth blushed at the idea that anyone would care outside of her family how her season was fairing. Little did she know that Lady Bridgeton had kept a keen interest ever since her first dinner with the Bridgetons. Especially after she incited such a reaction from her son.

"Yes well, I didn't particularly care for the suitors who followed after whistledown reported so well on me. They wanted a prize, not a wife."

"I see." She smiled. "What about now? You are not the object of whistledown's writing these days. Lord knows she has enough to write about as of late"

"I have seen what becomes of a loveless marriage from my sister."

Violet remained silent allowing Elizabeth time to mull over her words. "I cannot imagine I will ever fall in love. So, I'd rather become a spinster."

"Elizabeth" Violet smiled and then moved to sit beside her. "I will only bring this subject up once. And only once as I do not wish to be impertinent."

Lizzie frown as the viscountess took both her hands. "without sounding too forward, but i hope you know i am rooting for Anthony"

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