08| IN THE FACE OF THE CHANCE (continuation).

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The shackles looked massive on Aradhya. But the holy golden chain hanging at her neck and the crimson in the parting of her hair outstood the shackles. Aradhya looked devastated. The wedding was complete and Sadhana and Nandini had already left towards Ashokdhar.

Vihaan had imprisoned her right after wedding her and it wasn't a surprise to the people. Though Vihaan was now a bit disgusted at her he still understood what she felt. He had been through that once too and now he felt it was his duty to pull his wife out of it. His wife. Aradhya.

Though he was starting to resent her he still pitied her. Aradhya was to be brought to Ashokdhar in shackles. That somehow felt lighter than the weight Aradhya held in her heart.

Vihaan, Rihit and Aradhya were on their way to Ashokdhar after Aradhya did not even look back at the palace she grew up in. After she broke all ties to that kingdom that raised her all those years. She sat in front of Vihaan on the chariot who sat beside Rihit. The two did not even share glances. The silence in the aura of the chariot was disturbing. Only the hooves of the horses and the moving wheels of the chariot made some noise.

Aradhya moved constantly. She felt uncomfortable just being there. She felt hateful towards the man who sat before her and looked at her with pitiful eyes.

"Stop," Aradhya uttered which almost seemed like an order. Vihaan and Rihit exchanged looks.

"Stop what?" Vihaan asked leaning menacingly towards Aradhya a bit. It was as if the hate in him was triggered too. The attack had brought up unknown hate in his heart.

"Stop looking at me like I'm hopeless. Stop sympathizing with me. Stop looking at me as though I'm weak and useless. I can cut you up right now." Aradhya leaned forward challengingly while Rihit shifted at the threat.

"Well, I think you are hopeless. You just lost your brother. And are wed to the person who killed your brother. And guess what," Vihaan leaned back authoritatively, "it's me."

Aradhya put all her effort into not letting her hands reach the second dagger and hurl it at the man sitting before him. She turned quiet. She decided not to let his trash-talking spoil her state of mind. Her state of mind was already in the worst of places.

The charioteer pulled over by a pond next to a clearing in the woods. Rihit nodded at the charioteer and stepped out of the chariot to set up camps to stay for the night. The night was at its peak. The moon was ready to turn full but needed a couple more days to do so.

Aradhya and Vihaan were left alone. The two neither spoke nor averted their gazes from each other. Vihaan threw his arms to his side and let out a yawn.

"Why did you stop?" Vihaan asked.
"Why did I stop attacking you?" Aradhya asked coyly.

"Save me time and just get to the point."
"You see I just got married and...I don't think any bride would want to turn into a widow the day she married."
"I thought you stopped because you were thinking of my family. You know wife, sister."
"Don't think for a second I care about anyone associated with you."
"I should have known you are selfish."
"I am selfish, so what, murderer?"

Vihaan's energy to bicker with her ended. That was around the first time he was called a murderer. It was always praises and applause at his display of valour. But this time was different.

"You two should stop and get some sleep. We'll leave at dawn." Rihit came out of a camp. He gestured them to come over.

Aradhya with great difficulty stepped down from the chariot with huge shackles hanging at her.

"Can you walk faster?" Vihaan asked walking several steps in front of her. He groaned and walked to Aradhya after hearing the manacles resound. He stood before her and took the cuffs off with little to no effort and turned back and walked away.
.   .   .   .

"She is anything but a coward," Vihaan said. Rihit hid his face in his hands and almost grumbled as he had to share the camp with a useless king.

"My king, stop praising your enemy. She is right beside our camp. She can most probably hear us." Rihit sarcastically spoke.

Vihaan turned around but couldn't get sleep. Aradhya's words seemed too disturbing for Vihaan.

"So what, murderer..."

It left a stinging impact on him. He sighed. He whispered slowly.

"Every hunter is a hero until the lion starts telling the story."


Aradhya ||Indian historical fiction||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora