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Battling with Sadhana's death and trying to move on, Ashokdhar had come to a normal calm and former state after 6 months of healing. However, even if the subjects got over their queen's death way before the royal family, it was until the complete healing of the king that the kingdom was unattended.

Everything was back to the pavilion and so was the evil. Tamasvini and her plots were headstrong. She devised plans while lurking around like an innocent queen.

Nevertheless, Vihaan was new. He had already become an uplifted person. A brighter person. He was a better King, a better son and a better brother. However, he turned out to be the best student, a best friend and the best husband. He had a clearer outlook on things and he was sure that it all came from Aradhya.

From getting him through horrible breakdowns, handling the kingdom's affairs alone to even looking after the Darsh, Aradhya had herself occupied the whole six months. She barely complained nor did she ever feel the burden of the work. Her mind was hell-bent on giving Vihaan as much time as he needed to heal.

The sun was out on the horizon of Ashokdahr. A faint aura of positivity spread through the air. People gathered at the palace fields to welcome their new king. Vihaan stood there with his hand gripping a sword and the other hand elegantly held at his side. Aradhya stood a few steps beside him. Rajmata and Nandini stood at the corner while Acharya Chitrabhanu and Rihit stood proudly. Every citizen was ecstatic about their king's return.

Aradhya remembered the scene a few days ago. She was finally relieved to see Vihaan out of his grief. As Aradhya thought about all this a crippling pain sprung up in her head and an uneasy sensation in her gut.

Nandini glanced at Aradhya who sat on the bed. Nandini bobbed Darsh who had grown quite a bit in the last few months on her shoulders. She had witnessed him calling her and Aradhya his mother and still that made her grim.

"Are you sure you are fine? You have been sick for a few days." Nandini uttered.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that I haven't been getting enough sleep. I only have been sleeping for twelve hours a week. Maybe even less. And I guess I have mild indigestion." Aradhya replied.

Rihit entered the room with striding steps. He shot Nandini a smile which she returned. Things had calmed down between them but hadn't gotten back to normal. They still kept their distance from their relationship.

"Aradhya, the ministers are here." He spoke.

"What for? I already finished today's court." Aradhya replied.

"They said they wanted your consent and seal on some of the statements and treaties. They are waiting in the courtroom."

"I'll be there. And do you know where Vihaan is?"

"He was in Acharya's room. They were talking about something. Very intently."

.   .   .   .

Tamasvini sat in her room fuming with anger. Her mind ran around the conversation she had with Vihaan a few days ago.

Vihaan meekly bowed before her and sighed. "I'm really sorry. I know you expected a lot more from me. But all I have to say is that I...cannot offer you my love. But I will always respect you."

"Why?" Tamasvini asked, "why can't you offer me your love?

Vihaan smiled, "I have already offered it to someone else."

Tamasvini grunted in frustration. Her plan was somehow going downhill. It was always her goal to somehow serenade Vihaan into liking her but it was now of no use.

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