Chapter 01- Bai Yuan

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In the bar lights were dimly lit and the soft instrumental music was being played. The bartender was busy making the drinks. There were many people sitting in the bar.

A visitor said as she twirled the slim glass of champagne with her fingers, "Mr. Joseph, I heard the new host that has joined recently, became a new hit overnight. I can see the situation is heating up at that corner."

The bartender, Mr. Joseph Wang, turned to that visitor and replied calmly, his eyes smiling, "You've heard right, Ms. Lin. Ladies are all over him. He snatched the limelight as soon as he arrived."

Ms. Lin, dressed in a short chiffon dress, scoffed, "Really? Is he that handsome? Girls these days..... Sighs... they fall for anyone. "

Mr. Wang chuckled and picked up an empty glassware to clean with a white, clean towel. He spoke slowly with a playful demeanor, "Why don't Ms. Lin check him out herself?"

Ms. Lin was already in a bad mood. She thought for a while then coldly replied, "If he's not worth playing, you guys gonna return my money." With that saying Ms. Lin stood up from her seat and strode to the most cheerful corner of the bar.

She heard giggles and chuckles of young women coming from a room. She pushed open the room and tried to find out tonight's star. The moment she entered the room, a red dart went flying by her side and hit the 9. She felt her legs froze from this sudden fright. Finally she found a tall young man in a lavish black suit in the midst of women, seated on the large sofa. His eyes, pretty and deep as the blue ocean, back brushed hair so black as obsidian, his smile beautiful like the crescent moon in a clear night sky. Seeing a new lady arrive, the young man slowly stood up, still twirling darts in his slender fingers. His tall slim legs, firm body, neither burly nor skinny. The small crescent moon-like earring swayed as he elegantly walked to Ms. Lin.

He came to a stop before Ms. Lin. His right arm slowly moved and gracefully slipped down Ms. Lin's right hand. His gloved hand touched her cold bare waist, pulling closer to his body, leaving a sensation on Ms.Lin's skin. He threw the last two darts towards the dartboard. Bullseye

The young man saw the flushed face of Ms. Lin, a small smirk appearing on his professional handsome face. But soon it got changed to a more enchanting one. The young man kneeled before Ms. Lin on one knee and kissed the back of her hand.

Ms. Lin's heartbeat picked up, as if her body was at the melting point. The young man in front of her spoke, "Welcome to our club, my lady. How should I serve you?"

To a person like. Ms. Lin these words were really ordinary. But at that moment it felt as if she really was the only Master who would be served by that handsome young man.

They went inside, hand in hand. Seeing him return, a woman asked, " Ah-Yuan~ Kya~ Why did you leave all of a sudden? NingNing, missed youuuu~~" It was clear that the woman who addressed herself as NingNing was already drunk. She mumbled a few more things then fainted. The manager came after being called and hurriedly carried her to the restroom.

" So you're--" Ms. Lin was about to guess his name when she felt a soft touch on her lips. The young guy put his index finger on her rosy lips and hushed her, "Allow me to introduce myself, my lady. I'm Bai Yuan, the new youngest host of this humble host club."

Bai Yuan's demeanor was calm and dazzling at the same time. His earring jingled when he touched them. Ms. Lin's eyes moved to his ear. She reached out to touch the earring without even knowing herself, "They're pretty. "
Bai Yuan chuckled, "Thanks for the appreciation, Princess."

She unknowingly came closer to Bai Yuan and asked while touching the dangling crescent moon, "Where did you buy it?"

Bai Yuan blushed and replied her, "I designed it myself."
"You did?"
"Yes. I'm studying jewellery designing."
"You're a student?" Ms. Lin asked, surprised.
"Yeah, a sophomore student. I don't have enough money to start up my own business so I'm trying to earn some penny." Bai Yuan replied. He lied. He wasn't saving money to start up his own brand. He wasn't even well off enough to stay in a good apartment near his university and his family had already abandoned him.

He was trying desperately to sum up some money to pay the debt collectors from whom he borrowed money to rent a small shabby studio in the town. But he wasn't really the type of person to smooch off money from strangers by playing the pitiful guy role in front of them. It was enough if his customers brought expensive drinks and asked for him only and paid a high sum just to spend some time with him. Even as a host he had his morals. But that night he needed some money urgently.

Only if he knew, his life was about to take a 180° turn...

■Author's note : 😫😫 I feel really nervous. Did you enjoy? ■

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