Chapter 43- The Banquet Night Attack

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A.N: Hiiii! Thank you for all the love in comments(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


At Night

As expected of any official banquet taking place inside the Imperial Palace. It was outstandingly decorated. Moreover, the Banquet hall was livelier than any other day. By the daytime, news had already spread all over about the arrival of the infamous Consort Bai of the Xia Empire. Most of the men and women attending the banquet were mainly curious about, Bai Yuan. Among them, there was a man in pale color-ed attire, long gray hair tied up in a bun on top of his head, secured by a white jade crown, sophisticated demeanor, and curious golden eyes. The man was none but Wang Yiheng's maternal Grandfather, Feng Tao. Yiheng's uncle who became a Minister after Feng Tao retired stood by his side. He was the spitting image of his father. Minister Feng spoke in his calm yet curious tone, "Am I being too much excited, Father?"

Grandpa Feng replied in his elderly tone, "Not more than me."

Minister Feng chuckled faintly, "I know, Father, if not because of my responsibilities, I would have taken you and others to Xia Empire earlier!"

Grandpa Feng Humped in ignorance, "I rely on no one, if you were even half sensible as my lovely daughter, I would have abandoned you here and gone to my poor child. I wanted to raise Yiheng and Mo-er with my own two hands…I-" Tears escaped his lonely eyes as soon as he remembered his daughter and how Yiheng and Mo-er had to grow up without her.

The previous jollyness was replaced with sorrow on Minister Feng's face, "I understand, Father. Sister was- I miss her every day. Her memory in my mind of that day when she came holding Yiheng in our house for the first time is as clear as it was then. It is a great loss that we lost her so early."

Both Father and Son looked like they could break into unstoppable tears at any time. But then the Banquet suddenly started to bustle more. The announcer loudly welcomed the Sun of the Empire at first and according to the hierarchy started announcing the noblemen from the Empirial family. Then it was time to announce Yiheng and Bai Yuan's names.

"Please welcome, the honorable guests of our tonight's grand celebration, for whom we all have gathered here, The Sun of Xia Empire and his Noble consort, Emperor Wang Yiheng and Consort Bai Yuan!"

Everyone pried their head in the direction of the large Wooden gates. The gates started to open with a loud creaking noise.

A few minutes passed but there was no one making an entrance.

Emperor Shen gestured his guard, "What's happening? Where is the Emperor and his wife?"

The guard bowed to him and quickly stepped back to reach the guards waiting by the gate, "Your Majesty there seems to be some delay."

One of the guards suddenly shouted, "Sir! We see two silhouettes coming towards us!"

Soon the two silhouettes entered the hall room. Emperor Shen immediately stood up from his throne. Shen Haixiong, and Wang Mo-er both seemed bewildered. Not to mention Grandpa Feng and Minister Feng. Only Emperor Jin and Minister Yao had a sweet faint smile hung on their lips.

The two men who entered were severely injured and covered in blood. One guard was supporting the other guard who had his chest badly pierced by an arrow. The first guard panicked as he spoke hastily, "Your Majesty! Emperor Wang is in Danger! There were Assassins! We were guarding the gate when they suddenly attacked us! Please send more guards as soon as possible! Emperor Wang was seriously injured."

There was a look of horror in everyone's eyes.

"What is happening?"

"Suddenly, where did these Assassins come?"

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