2. Erin😖

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"I swear it was like looking at a picture of you twenty years ago" Voight said running his hand over his face, clearly stressed by the situation.

"She's into drugs too?" Erin asked curious about the situation that Voight had gotten himself into. The coffee shop they were sitting was quite except for the steady hum of the espresso machine.

"No..." He replied shaking his head, his wrinkled face turning into a frown, "She's a really clean cut kid; she even has a scholarship to Northwestern. It's just she's just so innocent, it's like she doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. What do I do Erin?"
"Whoa... the big ole Hank Voight is asking me for help, how the tables have turned." Erin smirked rubbing her hands together. "For the past thirteen years it's always been the other way around."

"Thirteen years?" Voight asked astounded. The wrinkles that he had gained from years of hard work creased when he smiled.

"Thirteen" She smiled back at him.

"It seems like it was yesterday that I brought you home."

"You make it seem like you brought me home from the hospital." They both busted into laughter.

"You know what I mean. It feels like I raised you, not like I took you in when you were fifteen."

"It's because you did." They both sat there reflecting on their past. The day Voight and Erin met had changed both of their lives forever, and they could both truthfully say it was for the better.

"But what do I do Erin, I have to convince her to let me help her somehow, before things escalate and something awful happens to her. " Voight stared into Erin's eyes with a look of deep concern.

"Why don't you just go knock on the door and tell her she's going to dinner with you. Don't give her a choice, it worked with me, it should work with her."

"Will you go with me, maybe help me talk some sense into her. I think if she saw that I wasn't alone trying to help her she'd be more open to this whole thing." Voight pleaded his cold eyes expression less.

"Of course, tonight after shift?" Voight shook his head yes and got up from the table, pushing his chair in and handing Erin her coat.

"We better get going, you're partners probably gushy eyed worrying about you,"

"Haha," She replied punching him in the arm.

After shift...

"I'll go get her," Voight called, jumping out of his SUV and running to the front door of Teddy's apartment complex. Today had been a pretty relaxing day, thee were no really important cases to investigate so they had all just hung around the office doing paperwork all day. Now Erin was sitting in the car while Voight was going to try to coax Teddy out so he could knock some sense into her, with words of course.

"Teddy! I know you're there, come on out. It's Hank, open the door." He heard someone moving around and then finally the dead bolt turned.

"Hey," Teddy said as she appeared in the doorway greeting Voight with a meek smile. "What are you doing here, I haven't stole anything since we met I promise. I have some of that money left if you want it." Her body language and tone of voice showed that she was nervous.

"Relax kiddo, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some dinner again tonight. I thought it was nice last time and I figured we could do it again."

"Let me guess I don't really have a choice?" Voight shook his head in response, motioning that she was right.

"Uh sure... I guess let me just grab a coat, do you want to come in, Frank's not going to be home till late so we don't have to worry about him."

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