7.I always have your back❤️‍🩹

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"So five thirty right?" Voight asked pulling up to Teddy's school.

Teddy tore her attention from the window to respond to Voight. "Yeah we should be done around five thirty. You sure you just don't want me to take the Metra, I still have till June left on my card. "

"Yeah Teddy I'm sure. I really don't like you riding the Metra by yourself anyways."

"It's like two stops I'd be fine." He could tell she was aggravated but was to polite to say something. Erin was completely opposite than that at her age, if she was annoyed by something she would make it clear.

"I've seen what goes on down there and I'm sure it's definitely not a place for a teenage girl to be by herself."

Teddy rolled her eyes and huffed.

"What was that?" Voight asked smugly.

She prayed he didn't see that, she was just frustrated with all the hidden rules that had been coming out recently.

"Nothing, I should probably get going." Voight watched as she grabbed her backpack from the floor of the car. He smiled at how much she looked like Erin in a white blouse and dark jeans complimented with a pair of tan leather boots. Her hair even had a loose wave that cascaded down her back.

She turned towards him to grab the coffee they had gone to get together this morning. Things around the house were still quite, most of the weekend she had spent in her room arranging things, but she and Voight had a couple conversations.

"Thanks uh Hank." She smiled getting out of the SUV.

"Have a good day, Teddy." His ruff voice projected.

"You to Serge." She grinned pulling down her sleeves as she turned around. He was to distracted by that action to scold her for calling him Serg.

He knew she was self-conscious about the cuts and bruises she had from last Thursday and he felt bad. This morning she had tried to cover the ones on her face with the little make-up she had, but the small thing of powder concealer wasn't great enough for the job so she ended up washing it off. He was glad she did because she didn't look like herself with it on. He did sympathize for the stories she would have to tell to explain the cuts and bruises. He knew they probably wouldn't be the truth but the people who weren't naive would see through the lies.

As Voight walked into the precinct he stopped to have a word with Platt.

"Hey can I get one of your guys to print some papers for me?"

"Yeah just write down what you need and I'll get someone on it." He received no smile from the women, she was extra grumpy this morning. He scribbled his wants down on a posted note and handed it to her.


"No problem Hank."

Voight turned away and made his way up the stairs to the unit. He thought he was going to be one of the first ones there but sitting at his desk was Antonio.

"Morning Boss." Antonio smiled sipping his coffee.

"Hey Dawson. " Voight took off his leather jacket to reveal a grey shirt. "Since you're right here can I ask you a favor?"

"What's up boss?" Antonio shut the lid to his computer and gave his full attention to Voight.

"Today after lunch I have somewhere I have to go and I was wondering if you'll come with me."

"Sure thing Voight."

"Hey Boss Man." Adam said walking into the station with his coat in his arms. The white shirt he wore made his face look a deeper tan than in actually was.

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