Chapter Seventeen

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"I swear to fucking god I'm gonna go out and punch every single one of those fuckers. Starting with that number 24!" Kai yelled in frustration as the boys entered the locker room.

"Calm down," Roan kept a hand on his best friend's shoulder before looking up at the team, "Coach Z is going to file a complaint against number 24 and their team. I don't want any of you getting in fights and doing anything stupid."

"A complaint?" Kai snorted in disbelief, "As if that's going to do jackshit."

"Kai," Roan's warning was clear in his voice, "You're angry, so am I, and I'm sure all of us are. But right now we have to stay calm and be there for Vaughn, okay? Now who's coming to the hospital with me?"

"I'll come!"

"Me!" Was heard simultaneously throughout the room. Everyone wanted to go and see their injured friend and teammate.

"Coach said only two people for now. Parker? Change and meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes," Roan motioned towards Parker, who was Vaughn's best friend, "Rest of you go home and rest. You can visit him tomorrow."

Roan quickly changed from his uniform to a pair of fresh clothes, not bothering to take a shower. It was their semi final game, and they were winning till half time. But after that one of the players from the opponent team slammed into Vaughn so hard thay everyone in the stadium heard a crack.

He was immediately taken to the hospital, and despite the team not wanting to continue playing, they had to. But they were angry and worried and their spirits were low, resulting in them losing the game.

"Kai?" Roan walked over to his best friend that only had a towel wrapped around his waist, he had taken a shower to cool down, "Ask Khaled for a ride home, okay?"

"Marco is driving me." Kai answered in a monotone.

"Okay," Roan replied, "Do you want to go to your house or mine?"

"Uh," Kai paused to give it a thought, "Yours."

"Here," Roan nodded as he took out his keys from his pocket, he removed his house key from the keychain and handed it to Kai, "No one's home right now. There should be dinner in the microwave. You can eat, you don't have to wait for me."

"When will you be back?" Kai asked as he took the key from Roan and kept it in the side pocket of his bag.

"Dunno," Roan shrugged, "Coach Z said Vaughn might have to get surgery. I really don't know the details right now, I'll text you when I get there and know more."

"If you see Vaughn then tell him we're all thinking of him and we're going to egg number 24's house as soon as he gets out of the hospital." Kai said.

"We're going to do no such thing." Roan gave Kai a stern look, making the brunette sigh.

Kai waved his hand at Roan dismissively, clearly too tired to keep bickering. Roan pressed his lips in a thin line as he squeezed Kai's bicep. The two boys looked at each other for a moment, before Roan gave him a small smile and turned around to leave the room.


"—yeah he's in surgery right now, Park and I are with his parents and Coach. We're gonna wait till he's out." Roan said on the phone.

"Okay, honey," Betty replied, "Keep me updated."

"Will do. Kai's at home. When will you guys get back?" Roan asked.

"There was an emergency and Lucia and I are going to be stuck at work for atleast another few hours. We can come back if—"

"No, no. It's fine. I don't know how long I'll be at the hospital either, so you both don't have to rush back." Roan said.

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