Bonus Chapter #2

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"Why didn't we just fly down instead?" Leo grumbled as he looked out the window of the car.

"Because a road trip is so much more fun than a plane ride! We can play I spy or—" Kai was cut off by the dark haired boy.

"I'm seventeen, not seven." He retorted.

"I'll be seven in four weeks and three days!" Maya piped up.

"You're growing up so fast, Maya! You gotta slow down." Kai pouted, looking back at the girl through the rear view mirror.

"Nup," Maya shook her head, "You can't stop me."

"Are we there yet?" Leo asked.

"Just an hour more, give or take." Roan answered as he drove down the familiar road back to his home town.

Kai and Roan's ten year reunion was supposed to be a year ago. But unfortunately just two days before that, a fire broke out in the school. No one was hurt, but the school had to be shut down for some days and the reunion was cancelled.

So now, the school was holding a reunion for not only Kai and Roan's year, but also for the year below them. The two boys didn't mind at all, since this meant they would be able to meet the whole gang, Parker and Cole included since they were a year younger.

"Is Kingsley coming then?" Kai asked

Whenever the two had asked the man whether he'd be coming to the reunion or not, he only gave vague, indecisive answers.

Kingsley hadn't been to their home town ever since their second year of college, which was almost a decade ago. The only exception was Kai and Roan's wedding, but he came and left the same day after attending the ceremony.

"No idea, I texted him this morning and he just replied with that shrugging emoji." Roan sighed.

"Why won't Uncle Kingsley come?" Leo asked.

"It's a little complicated." Kai muttered.

"His ex boyfriend got married a couple years back." Roan said.

"And he's going to be at the reunion? Did they date in school?" Leo asked, and Roan replied with a nod for both the questions, making Leo scoff, "Shouldn't he get over it, then? It's been ages."

"That's the complicated part. Cole got married to Derek, who was one of Kingsley's closest friends," Kai said, "They started dating right after Kingsley and Cole broke up, and Derek didn't even tell Kingsley about it. They kept it super on the DL."

"I didn't even know Derek was capable of keeping anything on the down low." Roan mumbled.

"Ouch." Came Leo's response.

Roan looked at Leo through the mirror, and the boy was gazing out the window with a blank look on his face. So many things about Leo reminded Roan of himself when he was of that age.

"Bets just texted, she's asking how much longer it's going to take." Kai spoke up.

This was the first time the moms would be meeting the kids. Kai and Roan had earlier planned on driving down for Christmas last year, but eventually they decided against it.

They had a discussion about it, and came to the conclusion that the kids needed more time. They were still not completely comfortable with all the changes, so it wasn't the best time to introduce them to more people, especially family.

Roan was aware of how extra his moms could be, so they introduced the kids to them in microdoses. First by voice calls and then by video. And now finally, it was time for them to meet in person.

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