Chapter one

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I ran. I ran from it all. Stupid Britney, stupid boys... Stupid Prom.

I tore the mask off my face. Stupid, stupid masks.

If I would have known who he was, I never would have danced with him... If he would've known who I was, he never would've danced me.

It may have only been for one song, but Britney wouldn't have it. She got jealous that I was dancing with her ex-boyfriend. She turned into the green-eyed monster and dumped the WHOLE bowl of RED punch all over my WHITE dress.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

If I knew who he was... If... If... Stupid black and white masquerade Prom.

"Hey! Sweetheart!" Someone shouted.

"I'm NOT in the mood! Go away!" I screamed without looking who it was.

"Look at me you little idiot!" He mumbled, angrily. I slowly turned around to see who it was.

He was a tall man, probably over 6 feet total. He had a ski mask on and all black clothes. He had something in his hand...

He cocked the pistol in his right hand.

I wanted to scream. I opened my mouth to yell at him, but instead of the high pitched yell I was expecting, I groaned. "I'm not in the mood! Go away!"

"Hand me your money and get in the van!" He commanded, sounding annoyed.

"No! Someone help me!" I screamed.

"Are you drunk? I said get in the van and give me your money!" He repeated.

"No!" I repeated.



"Yes, darn it! Get in the bloody car!" He screamed. I replaced darn for a curse word.

I spat at his face. "No!"

He wiped my saliva off his cheek. "I've had enough of this!" He screamed in furry.

He lowered the gun and pulled the trigger, sending a painful shock to the skin on my shoulder.

I let out a cry. "You shot me?!" I squealed.

Crap, crap, crap!

Gosh that hurts.

An adult and a few students from the dance screamed and peered outside.

"Help! He shot me! Help!" I cried. It came out more of a horse whimper.

"Shut up!" The man yelled, forcing the hilt of the gun down hard on my head, using it like a bat.

That's gonna leave a bump.

He put his large glove-covered hand over my mouth.

I tried to scream again, but it was muffled through his hand.


He half dragged me to a van behind the building.

I could hardly fight.

My shoulder, my shoulder. Crap, my fudging shoulder!

We were about three metres from the van, when a shadowy figure (lack of better terms), ran out from behind the van.

The shadowy figure clashed hard with my captor.

As soon as they collided, they were both knocked to the ground.

I started to run. I quickly ran to the gym and yelled at everyone inside. "Some call the cops! There's an armed kidnapper outside.

Thank the heavens for adrenaline. If it dint exist, I would have collapsed the second the bullet had hit my shoulder.

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