Chapter 23

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Athena's POV!


I took another sip of my frappé.

I couldn't help but notice Lukas staring at my lips as I sipped from the straw.

"Lukas." I whispered. No response. "Lukas." I said, a bit louder. Not even a twitch. "Lukas!"

"Wait, what?!" He said, way too loudly.

"Stop staring. It's freaking me out. I mean, I know... That like... You know... We made out last night or whatever, but if you think to much about it, you'll break tAhis friendship."

"Right, sorry."

"We're you even listening? What did I say?" I asked.

"You said something about thinking about it and making out." He said with a smirk.

I face palmed so hard that it hurt.

Lukas let out a small chuckle, taking a long sip of his frappé. "I'm just joking. I was listening."

I smiled to myself and shook my head at his childishness. I lowered my glance to the floor and stared at my feet.

"I'll be right back. I gotta go to the men's room to take a-"

"Stop right there." I interrupted Lukas. "Just go."

He got up with a small chuckle, his chair screeching awkwardly as he got up. I heard him walk away, still not raising my glance from the floor.

"Athena?" Someone asked. It was a chirpy feminine voice that I vaguely remembered...

I snapped my glance up to see a pair of blue eye, as well as. yet I hate to admit it, flawless bouncing golden hair and tanned to perfection skin of a girl I never thought I'd see again.

"Britney?" I asked in disbelief. I flinched slightly seeing her, knowing this may result in frappé all over my outfit.

"Yeah." She said softly. "I'm moving to a town about a half hour from here." I flinched as she said every word, pronouncing every syllable.

I nervously stared down at my frappé, eyeing it cautiously before deciding to slowly scoot it farther from here.

"Relax." She said calmly. "I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm really sorry for prom. It was immature of me and I shouldn't have done that and I can't help but think it's my fault you were shot because it was my fault you went outside in the first place. And-"

"It's okay. I know, you were a bit jealous and that's fine. It certainly isn't your fault I was shot. Everything happened for a reason." I said unsurely. I didn't know if I really wanted to forgive her yet, but she sounded sincere and if she was going to be moving here, I might as well not have her as an enemy.

"Thanks." She nodded. "I wonder whatever happened to Lukas. You see, I was obsessed with him back then and now he never crosses my mind. That's strange, isn't it?" She asked.

She didn't see Lukas with me? I wonder how she will react when he comes out of the bathroom. "Actually, I, uh, saw him the other day. I'm actually his friend." I said cautiously.

"Really? Lukas Freeman?" She asked in disbelief.

I nodded. Yeah, a friend that kisses me all the time, I thought.

"Hum... I guess the word is really small, huh?"

"Yup. I mean, you wouldn't believe what has happened in the last week." I laughed.

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