Chapter 2

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-Melanie's pov-

After taking a look at a clock that was on top of a fireplace in the room I saw that it was 7 am in morning.

But in which timezone I wasn't sure...

I sat back on my bed and processed the situation.

It's like in of those books and Manga I liked to read...

Then a nasty feeling started to set in.

The feeling that I'd never be able to see my family ever again...

I started tearing up at the thought...

'After so many years to provide for them... I wanted to go home so badly... I wanted to be with them and maybe go back to school...' I curled up in a ball on my bed and started sobbing.

'My brothers, and Cassie... I want to see them again...' I started whimpering and made sure that my cries weren't too loud.

My nose started to feel stuffy as I tried to look around for something to wipe my nose in.

I found nothing else so I just blew my nose on a thinner blanket I found under my thick one.

I blew my nose again and started crying my snot running.

After I took a few deep shaky breaths I calmed down a little... Then I broke down again because of my overthinking.

After crying a bit more I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face which was tear-stained and still had some snot on it.

The bathroom was big and there was a nice bathtub in the middle.

I found the sink and started washing my face. The cold water helped me stop crying and I looked at myself in the mirror again.

My eyes were red and puffy from crying but I still looked beautiful.

My skin was a nice shade of milk chocolate brown. My long curled raven hair framed my small heart-shaped face giving me a cute look. I also had big amethyst eyes with hints of gold.

I used to have a darker shade of brown as my skin color but I always loved the morena type beauty I had. I also had dark brown hair that shone gold when the sun hit it and hazel eyes.

I was pretty short before at around 5'5 and I looked about the same height now.

But my body now was very petite. I had a big build before with wide shoulders, but I had a nicely shaped butt and a curvy waist. My thighs were also a bit thick...

But now I had a small build, my chest was also a bit underdeveloped. My arms and legs looked fragile and thin.

'I could use a little more meat in these thighs...' I thought to myself.

I look pretty young, like maybe in my early or mid-teens?

Then I heard my door open.

"Lady Madeline?" I poked my head out to see a woman wearing a cute maid outfit with a long skirt.

"Lady Madeline!" She rushed to me in a panic.

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