Chapter 9

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After a few hours Eloise started to complain about being hungry.

I rung the bell as the maid entered.

"What do you need, miss-g AHHHH!" She screamed at the sight of the now conscious patient.

"Calm down, Emma, I need a fire stone and ingredients for... Let's say sweet and sour fish, and also some ingredients for cookies," I said, my eyes not leaving my book.

"R-Right away, Miss," she said running to get my request.

"Why do you need ingredients?" He asked confused.

"I need ingredients to throw out the window... What else would I use ingredients for if not cooking? idiot," I said sarcastically.

"Well that's not very nice of you," he said with his arms crossed.

"Well it wasn't nice of you to force me to take care of you was it?" I said with a glare.

"... Ok point made..." shortly after Emma gave my magic bag filled with ingredients and a fire stone.

I spent a lot of time reading the books and working on expanding my mana pool by meditating.

I decided to test my magic affinity by chopping the vegetables using the wind.

Some of the bigger vegetables weren't cut all the way through but it was a good start.

The fish was also breaded in the air and deep fried in a bubble of oil.

I was happy with the results and served the plate to Eloise.

"Please enjoy, Master of the magic tower," I laughed.

I started experimenting on how I could make cookies like this.

I turned to check on Eloise and saw that he didn't touch the food.

I sighed, keeping the ingredients suspended in the air.

"I didn't know noble ladies could cook," he said nervously.

"They don't, I do, now eat," I said feeding him.

He nervously opened his mouth and I fed him a piece.

He looked surprised, "This... Is really good," he said as I got up to go back to baking.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the bed.

"I want you to feed me," he said with a sly smile.

I was starting to have a headache with this little troublemaker.

"I don't have enough mana to keep the ingredients suspended in mid air, it'll make huge mess," I said, feeling the mana drain from my body.

He pulled out a blue necklace and gave it to me.

"This is a mana pendant, it'll increase your mana. Consider it payment for feeding me," I hesitated but knew I couldn't hold it so I took the pendant and wore it.

I immediately felt a surge of power go through me and I fed Eloise just like I promised.

He seemed to enjoy it. After he was done he allowed me to work in peace but complained that he was bored so I gave him a book to read.

I was unsuccessful on the first few attempts but soon got a good batch.

"Thank you for the pendant. It helped a lot," I said giving him a cookie.

He smiled brightly. "Thank you for feeding me,"

"Your fever has gone down, you should be good to go tomorrow," I said, setting up the sofa.

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