chapter 6.50

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Adelaide couldn't take it anymore.

She couldn't take the pain. She couldn't take the fear. She could no longer take the night terrors that came to life everyday.
But today was different. Adelaide would never forget this day.

Today was her tenth birthday. Momma said she had a surprise for her. Uncle was coming over for her birthday.

Uncle was coming to give her a present.

Something Adelaide didn't want.

She got the courage to stand up to her mother. That did not last long. She immediately got hurt.

So now Adelaide was hiding out. In the bathroom, behind the toilet bowl. Making herself as small as possible. Hiding. Hoping she wouldn't be found.

Shaking, she held in her hands, her mothers phone.

She stole her mothers phone.

She didn't want this anymore. There was only one number she could call. A number she knew by heart.

She jumped up at the ringing of the doorbell downstairs.

And she knew.

Uncle was here.

Unlocking the phone, she put the number into the phone with shaking hands. Her whole body was shaking as the phone rang.



"Who is this? Adelaide?"

"It's me, papa."

"Why are you calling me, Adelaide? I'm very busy."

Adelaide's tears started to fall. She missed her father. She started sobbing.

"I want to come home, papa. I'm sorry for what I did. Please pick me up. Please take me home."
"Do you know what you did wrong, Adelaide?"

Adelaide thought and thought and couldn't figure it out.

"No... But Adelaide is sorry papa, please... Please let me come home. I promise I'll be goo-ood..." Adelaide stuttered and sobbed in between.

"If you don't know what you did wrong then you have not changed your ways. You're staying with your mother until you learn your lesson." Her father said sternly.

"Adelaide I'm very busy with work so if there is nothing else..."

"Uncle is here papa... momma invited uncle. I don't like uncle, papa please." Adelaide pleaded, but her father did not hear anything she said. Someone else came into the room where her father was working. She listened closely and could hear snippets of her sister talking. Adaline.

Adaline wanted to watch a movie with her father.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"No! Papa plea—..." Adelaide heard the click, the phone call ended.

Adelaide cried harder than she ever had. She wanted to leave. She wanted to be saved. But no one was coming for her. Not her father. Not her protector, Noah. No one.

No one but her mother when she opened the door and dragged Adelaide out to the living room. Where he sat. Uncle Tommy.

He looked Adelaide up and down and smiled. His eyes, dark, roamed over her figure. His smile turned into an evil smirk.

"Perfect." Was what he said. The only word he said, before he gave her mother a duffle bag. A bag filled with money and drugs. Adelaide's mother counted the money that was inside the big bag and smiled. A smile so satanic that would make even the devil run.

"Let's go have fun in the guest room, little Adelaide. I'll show you how much of a young lady you have become, sweetheart."

Adelaide stood frozen. Tears streaked her face. She shook her head no. She didn't want to go anywhere with this man. A monster she was forced to call uncle. He was not her uncle.

He grabbed Adelaide harshly by the arm and dragged her to the guest room. Adelaide's screams and pleads for help did not stop. She kept screaming till the pain became too much. She kept crying till her body became numb.

Her mind started to block every nerve that was being touched. Every touch, every sound, every smell was being blocked out. Adelaide didn't want any of this. Neither did her mind and memory and tried it's best to block it all out.

The smell of cigarettes and alcohol on uncle's breath.

The sounds of clothes being ripped and grunts.

The pain all over her body.

But especially the pain where no ten year old should feel pain.

Her mind did its best to block it all out.

But Adelaide didn't know.
No matter how much her brain worked to forget, she would never.

She would always remember. The smells of cigs and alcohol, the grunts coming from his mouth as he pushed and pushed. The pain of being violated.

It would be the same night terror she would never truly escape fully. No matter how much she tried, the memory would sit right in the back of her mind. Lurking. Waiting for Adelaide to be vulnerable. And striking when she was alone.

No Adelaide would never forget her tenth birthday.

The day Adelaide truly, simply, wished to die.

Again a small, but horrible, side to our girls backstory. What Are your thoughts?

Till next time, Love Sarah

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