Chapter 13

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The kids are comin'
The kids are gunnin'
The kids are runnin'
The kids are comin' for you

To say I was tense, was a huge understatement. Even with everything that had happened years ago, I still wanted to make a good impression. So here I was, with exploded suitcases looking for something to wear. I wanted something that said confident Bish, but also that stated I was comfortable with them.

Even though the truth was far from it.
Eventually I opted for a pair of jogging pants, a simple tee and a long cardigan that was hanging off one of my shoulders.
I put my curly hair up in a high pony and knew it wouldn't get any better with my current mood.
I was in the middle of a pep talk when someone knocked on my door.
It was James. I smiled at him and did a little, very awkward, wave.
"I hope you're hungry, the staff went all out for you." I simply nodded at him and walked towards the stairs with him.

"How was the trip over?" He asked, trying to make a little bit of small talk.
"It was okay. I mean Kiel was totally drooling on me during the flight and he was hogging my blanket with his life." He chuckled at this.
"Totally Zeke. I haven't said this yet, but I am ecstatic that you're back, Adele." With all the memories I had, my mind just conveniently shoved my good memories aside.
"Even with everything, I'm glad I'm seeing you again Jamie. I missed you too, bro."
He laid his arm on my shoulder while we walked into the dining room.
I saw a space open next to Kiel and one next to Adaline. Guess which one I took.

"What are you sitting next to me for?" Kiel asked with a playful glare.
"Bruh. Don't even start. I can hold my own for hours when it comes to bickering. You've seen that first hand at the dining table with Riri." I smiled smugly.
"Don't remind me." I simply punched his shoulder.

"Ahem." My father tried to claim the attention.
"Welcome home, Tesoro. I'm glad you're here." Maids came in to serve us dinner. I noticed that my plate had more meat and less Brussel sprouts than the rest. I gave the staff a 1000 watt smile. Even after all these years, they still remembered my preference.

"So how have you been the last few years?"
"Fine." How do you expect me to react to that?

"So North." My eyes shoot up to the person that called me that.
"How is our mother doing?" Kiel scowled. I sported a sweet smile.
"Great. As far as I've heard, isolation is the new trend. Oh and don't you dare call me North again. The only people allowed to call me 'that' are currently not at this table. Well, except for Teddy and Kiel. So be creative on your own and stop copying other people, Addie."
"See! She's already starting. Maybe she shouldn't be here." She told our father with fake tears lining her eyes.
"Adaline, Adele is correct in her notion. She only gave Teddy the right to call her that. If she doesn't want you calling her that, then don't" James replied. I winked at him.

"Didn't that guy call you that as well?" Aquila asked.
"What guy?" I asked confused.
"The guy who called you wifey?" Everyone's eyes shot up at this.
"Who's he talking about?" Kiel asked from beside me with raised brows.

"Asher. Remember the guy that had the big chocolate bear when we came back home. He's flirty with everyone and has dubbed 'wifey' as his personal nickname for me. When I'm introduced, they introduce me as North."
"Why North though? It's like you're a direction. It's hilarious if you think about it." Adaline laughed out.

"Simple. My heterochromia and the fact that my middle is Aurora, they came up with North. Because the two combined reminded them of Aurora Borealis."
"Aubrey is smart." Kiel responded smugly.
I grinned at him. "Yes. I have the most intelligent sister in the world."

"You only have one sister and I didn't come up with that name." Adaline said, confused and annoyed.
"Yes and her name is Aubrey. You are a sibling, Adaline, not an actual sister. There is a difference."
"How is there a difference?" My father asked.
"Just like there is a difference between mother and maman. One gave birth and the other actually cared."

I meant it like a sting to him. I called him father instead of dad or papa.
"So sweetheart, Can you explain to me when you and your mom moved to Miami, when she wasn't allowed to." I guess he didn't get my previous reference.
"I moved to Miami three and a half years ago." I replied to him. It was a vague but true answer.
"Why was I never notified? Not even when I called your mother a few weeks ago did she mention it. She said she was still residing in Seattle?"
"Nothing Candace told you was untrue."
"I don't understand anymore. You said you moved to Miami years ago, yet Candace was still in Seattle. How can both be true?"
I was still sipping my water. "You do the math, Father."

My eyes glanced from him towards Teddy, who was placed on the other side of Adaline. He looked scared. Let's save him.
"Teds why don't sit next to me. I want to get to know you better." Even though he didn't trust me yet. He decided I was a safer seat mate then Adaline and immediately rushed over as I pulled up another chair.

People started talking amongst themselves again. I was content keeping my mouth shut and observing everyone. My father and Genevieve were still discussing my 'Miami, Seattle' situation.
Teddy was already done eating and stared at the tattoo on my arm.
I lifted my sleeve up a bit so he could completely see it.
"What's it say?" He asked softly. I smiled down at him.
"Non timebo mala. I will fear no evil." I explained to him.

Aquila came into the conversation. "That one's new. You didn't have that one a few weeks ago."
"What?" Father asked and then saw my arm and grew angry.
"You got a tattoo?!"
"Yes." "Remove it!"
"No. I got this with maman's permission."
"Why would Candace permit you to get a tattoo? I sent you to her to straighten you out, not to act out!"
"Don't. Ever. Compare. Candace with maman! And you sent me there to 'straighten me out'? Do you even know your ex-wife?" I exclaimed.

"Wait, hold up. What did you mean Aqui, when you said a few weeks ago? Did you two see each other?" Lemuel asked. I simply sat back and slightly laughed while watching this unravel.
"Don't look at me Aquila. Apparently you and father still haven't come clean to the rest, have you?"
"Dad? Aquila?"
"Dad and I saw her last month in Houston when I was there for the tournament."
"Keep going."
"I saw her at a party. She was showing off her tattoo."
"You're walking around the truth Aquila. Father, do you have anything you'd like to confess? Or maybe you have something to say, father?" I asked as I looked with them with raised eyebrows, daring them to admit.

He looked away, coward.
As dinner was practically over, I stood up from my chair.
"Father and Aquila both asked me one and the same question. Have we met before?"
With that I walked out.

Show them who's boss!!
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