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,Only a monster can deal with another monster'


Angelo's POV:

"What do you mean it's your brother?" I asked not believing it. I mean I never thought of Jaden or Elijah being brave enough to attack me.

"The plate's familiar" she said trying to look anywhere but my eyes. I hate when she fucking do it, it drives me insane.

"My fucking eyes are up here, look at me when I'm talking to you" I said making her finally take her head up and look at me.

"Did you see something?" I asked making her open her mouth before she licked her lips and talked.

"You won't kill any of my brothers if I tell you?" She asked before I tensed my jaw and let go of her hands.

I mean I can't promise her anything, everyone knows what will happen if someone crosses my path, and she knows it better than anyone else.

I heard her sigh before she leant in her seat and looked out the window.

"Fine. I'll not kill them but I'm gonna warn them" I said making her head turn to me again before she talked.

"Promise. Give me your word" she said looking deeply in my eyes.

"You don't trust me?" I asked making her turn her whole body to face me before I felt her hands grabbing my right hand.

"You know it's not that what I meant- just promise me Angelo" she said before I licked my lips and talked.

"I promise... I'm not gonna kill them" I said before she talked.

"The plate number was JM 57E0O, my brothers sniper was in the car which means they are here in Italy" She said making me want to kill that asshole of her brother. I swear to god I'll kill him one day just not now.

Next day:

"questa è una stronzata! Voglio ogni fottuto dettaglio-" I yelled pointing my gun at Marco.
(This is bullshit! I want every fucking detail-)

"devi passare a mezzanotte per scoprire chi c'è dietro a tutto! gli attacchi che sono accaduti oggi, il fottuto idiota che ha osato e ha giocato con me!" I yelled again only my voice filling the room.
(you have to midnight to find who's behind everything! the attacks that happened today- the fucking idiot that dared and play with me!)

"puoi metterti alla prova o conosci le conseguenze." I Said pushing the gun to his forehead while his eyes were looking down the whole time.
(you can prove yourself or you know the consequences.)

"sì Don... saprò chi c'è dietro questo" he said making me turn to all the other leaders.
(yes Don...I'm gonna know who's behind this)

"l'incontro è finito!" I said before I walked out the room while Matteo was behind me.
(The meeting is over!)

We walked out the warehouse before we got into the car and the driver started to drive off.

"I don't think it's him" said Matteo while I was taking a cigarette out.

"e perché?" I asked leaning in my chair.
(And why's that?)

"I mean as you said before he is selling guns behind your bag, why would he attack your mafia if he is already making this work behind you?" He said making me smoke out before I gave a hmm and talked.

"We'll see what he brings me tonight and then-" I said loosening my shirt.

"I'll know if it's his blood I should drink from"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now