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WARNINGS: mentions of abuse

"LYNDY ODETTE LORILI," William Tisdale had a way of scaring people without hardly saying any words, he had an ora about him that made peoples skin crawl and blood burn

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"LYNDY ODETTE LORILI," William Tisdale had a way of scaring people without hardly saying any words, he had an ora about him that made peoples skin crawl and blood burn.

It had been three days, three since everyone had come back to Hogwarts and Lyndy didn't understand what she could of done wrong in the short span of time. What was so bad to have already received a howler from home. After he had spoken her full name, there was a pause, one so deafening it scared her more than the screams until his voice came back, this time stoic and cold, emotionless.

"I told you before we left that there would be no talking to filthy mud bloods and no good blood traitors, but what do I hear? The minute you get there you go galavanting over to two mud bloods and the blood traitors. I have talked to Dumbledore and you will be moving to Slytherin and your brother will teach you how to be a proper lady. If you don't follow the rules, there will be severe consequences. . ."

The letter lit on fire never getting to continue as Ben had walked across the hall using a spell on the letter and grabbing his sisters robs pulling her along with him. The girl looked back at her friends, a lost expression falling over her face as her tie turned green and silver and the raven turned to a snake.

She knew the hat had stalled when making a decision, she knew the hat had said she'd make a great Slytherin, that she would flourish there but she had asked to not be placed in that house leading her into Ravenclaw and she loved it, it was her identity. She felt like a true Ravenclaw but everything was being torn and ripped to shreds and she didn't know how to stitch it back together. She was losing everything, she had lost everything, and now she was losing herself too.

Ben didn't stop walking, nor did he look down at his sisters face refusing to see the weld up tears in her eyes. He didn't stop until he got to his dorm and pulled the twelve year old into his arms, holding her the best he could.

"I'm so sorry Lyndy."

Lyndy wrapped her arms around her brother squeezing tighter as she did, never wanting to let go, afraid that he would disappear like everything else in her life seemed to be doing. Ben never left though, he was always there with a list of rules she needed to follow except for when she was in his dorm room; then she could let the crazy out — and she sure did.

Days turned to weeks, that turned to months and nothing had changed.

The two Tisdale siblings weren't aloud to leave the castle, no hogsmead, no holidays, they were bound to the Slytherin common room and classes driving them each mad in different ways — Ben being better at hiding it then Lyndy who was driving herself insane, especially when the chamber of secrets had been opened and there was nothing she could do but sit on the sidelines and hope for the best.

The year had finally come to an end and most were ecstatic to go home and have their freedom but for Lyndy and Ben they were just going from one makeshift prison to the next.

The red train had come to a stop, the fourteen year old holding his sisters hand as the rest of the students left their compartment, "five minutes," he said.

Lyndy looked up at him, confusion washing over her features as she did, "pardon?"

"Five minutes of freedom, that's how long we have in this compartment of freedom before we have to leave, scream, yell, jump, do what you need to do."

Lyndy stood up watching her brother cast a silencing charm over the compartment. She stood there for moment, all the pent of energy surging through her bones, all the anger it was driving her insane and finally she screamed.

She screamed because everything in her life was carefully articulated, she screamed because she wasn't aloud to be a child — a twelve year old girl who wasn't even aloud to be herself. Her screams turned to sobs as she tried her hardest to control herself, not wanting to feel this way any longer.

Ben pushed himself off the cushion and pulled his sister into a hug, "when we get off this train, you walk over to Sirius and Remus, I'll hold mum and dad off, you have to go okay."

Lyndy pulled away from her brother looking at him as if he were crazy but she had no time to react as he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the hall. No one was left in the train as they finally made their exit, eyes lingering to the two as Lyndy hid behind her brother holding on for dear life.

"Go!" his voice boomed as he looked to his sister with urgency, their father hot on his heals, "Lyndy go, do what I said! What are you waiting for?!"

Lyndy had fallen into hysterics, "but they got a lawyer lady, they can get you too."

"They lost Lyndy, dad used his money, they lost."

The little girl looked at him before looking over to the group of people, her dads faces sunken as they did, "I'm so sorry, I wanted to go with you, I did. But sometimes things don't go as planned. Sirius ran away when he was sixteen, and I know you have a little of him in there. Run Lyndy, run for me."

Lyndy hugged her brother one last time looking over at her father who had almost reached them and quickly spun around running the few feet it took to the fireplace on the platform, she thought of the cottage the place she had missed all year. She rolled around her body moving in ways it probably shouldn't until she was spit out rolling on the floor.

And when she opened her eyes — she was home.

I'm REALLY sorry for the extremely late post. I'm also sorry if this chapter was boring but first and second year were really hard for me to come up with ideas and what to write. So this is Lyndy's second year and I'm not sure how long third year will be but once we get to fourth year there will be multiple parts as I have multiple ideas for each of them.

Also I felt like this book needed some happiness so get ready for the next chapter which is the summer chapter and some much needed reunions! I know I'm excited to write that one.

Thank you so much for reading and I hoped you liked this chapter :)

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