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Fifth year was really fucking shitty, at least that's how Lyndy would describe it

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Fifth year was really fucking shitty, at least that's how Lyndy would describe it. The new defence against the dark arts teacher was the reason for it all. She had short pixie like brown hair that curled at the bottom and she always wore pink. Her voice was high pitched and annoying along with the words that came out of it and Lyndy found herself in more detentions than she could count on her fingers.

And the way this women went about her detentions wasn't just illegal but torturous and she did it to anyone no matter their age. She would find the Weasley twin there the most, trying to lighten the mood and making people happier but always ending up getting more pain for themselves. She found her brother going back to his old ways like when they were at the manor except for when he was around his new boyfriend — Fred Weasley. And she found that once again Harry was put into situations he never wanted to be in.

"Hermione I really don't want to do this."

"We need to learn Harry, for real, and your the on,y one who can do it."

"No one even believes me, they hate me."

Lyndy watched Hermione and Harry fight back and forth in front of her as she stood next to Ron, his eyes planted forward at the two.

"You know she likes you right?"

Ron shook out of his daze and looked at her with confusion, "who?"

"Hermione. And she likes you too, your just to dumb to see it."

"How could she ever like me? Look at me and look at her."

"Believe me, I'm just as confused as you but not because of looks, but because your too oblivious to realize when you've hurt her. She wanted to go to the ball with you last year but she didn't want you to ask the way you did. She wanted you to want to go with her."

Ron gave her a contemplative look before changing the subject off of him and onto her, "Harry likes you a lot and I know you do too, so what's stopping you?"

"What's stopping you?" Lyndy asked the boy and his facial features softened knowing exactly why because he was doing the same thing, even if it was more subconsciously than her.

Fear and insecurities.

"Ron, Lyndy, we're here," Hermione hissed.

The four walked in and stood before a large group of students trying their best to get them to believe him until they did and Dumbledores Army was created.

"Brilliant!" Harry shouted in the direction of the students.

The meetings had gone on for a couple of months and Lyndy had gotten better and better at her spells, curses, jinx's, and charms. But something she couldn't get, the only thing, was her patronus charm.

"Think of something happy Lyndy, and you can think of more than one thing."

The blond closed her eyes letting everything happy come to the surface. The moment she met Sirius, the moments with Remus when she baked, moments with Ben in her dorm, the ball with Harry. She thought of it all at once as she said the charm for the hundredth time.

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