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A/n: This is the second part of the sequence of Kwan's realisation during his eternal unrest. And this is just the second phase.


In the realm where day and night coexisted in perfect harmony, there lived two celestial beings — Sol, the radiant Sun, and Luna, the ethereal Moon. Sol was a majestic being, with golden rays that warmed the hearts of all living creatures, while Luna glowed with a silvery light that enchanted those who beheld her beauty.

As ages passed, Sol began to grow stronger, his light shining brighter with each passing day. His warmth brought life to the land, causing flowers to bloom and rivers to flow with vitality. The creatures of Everdusk basked in his brilliance, reveling in the abundance and joy his light bestowed upon them.

However, as Sol's light grew stronger, Luna's glow began to fade. Her once luminous form dimmed, as if the shadows of jealousy had cast a veil over her celestial beauty. Luna watched as Sol gained admiration and adoration from all around, while her own light paled in comparison, unnoticed and unappreciated.

Consumed by envy, Luna retreated into the darkness, her once bright glow now a mere whisper in the night sky. She longed to regain her former glory, to once again shine as brightly as Sol and reclaim her rightful place in the heavens.

Determined to outshine Sol, Luna sought the help of the mysterious Star Spirits, ancient beings who dwelled in the far reaches of the cosmos. They gifted her a magical amulet, infused with the power to amplify her fading light and rival Sol's radiance.

With the amulet's power coursing through her, Luna emerged from the shadows, her light now burning as brightly as Sol's golden rays. The creatures of Everdusk marveled at the sight of two celestial beings, each vying to outshine the other in a dazzling display of brilliance.

But as Luna's light grew stronger, the balance between day and night began to falter. The once harmonious cycle of light and darkness was thrown into chaos, threatening to plunge the land into eternal twilight.

Realizing the dire consequences of their rivalry, Sol and Luna set aside their jealousy and joined forces to restore balance to Everdusk. With Sol's warmth and Luna's ethereal glow combined, they created a new dawn, where day and night danced in perfect harmony once more.

And so, in the realm of Everdusk, Sol and Luna reigned as equals, their lights intertwined in a celestial dance that illuminated the land with a beauty unmatched. The creatures of Everdusk lived in awe of the sun and moon, grateful for the balance and peace that their unity brought to their world.


Tapping his head in care and empathy, the moon smiled at the cold man, curled up in her lap.

The sleep-wake cycle of the man had rotten his insides. Each time Kwan would be awake, his mind would feel hollow and his heart burning.

It must have been his third jolt. He was wide awake, this time wrapped in a thin sheath of perspiration, his hands felt numb and his body like thin air. He remembered listening to a fable while lying in the lap of the protagonist, yet nothing at all in reality.

One thing that apparently felt alien was the surroundings. It was no more that old maroon desert, rather a prairie, with flowers all around and the sun rays hitting the flowing stream at turns to accentuate the intricacies that could turn iron into gold.

Wiping away the droplets sticking to his forehead he breathed a heave of sigh, his eyes went in a statutory frenzy analyzing his surroundings only to find nothing. Just silence.

He dreaded silence because it was fluidly diaphanous, like clear water, which exhumed every snag-the used, the dead, the immersed. Silence revealed the discarded words and thoughts dropped into arcane its clear stream. And when people stared too close to silence, they sometimes faced their own cogitations, their euphuistic shadows in the depths, and that frightened them.

Kwan straightened his gaze, his mind fixed upon this undeniable loop. He was sure if he walked a mile south, he would reach out for help before this uncertain black hole sucked him in and made him lose his own identity.

And as decided he took in a big gallop of air, and pulled up his right leg ready to start his journey, "Hyung?"


Emotions, indeed, are the most assailable creatures found living inside of us. They are parasites, crawling upon us, feeding off our auras, and leaving the dead carcasses of our minds in bins.

He turned back and ran to the man, engulfing him in the biggest embrace to let his pain numb him and soothe him.

"Did I scare you, hyung?"

Scare? Hyon?

Ruffling his fluffy hair, Kwan smiled at him heartily, "You never do Hyon, you never scare your hyung..."

"Then why did you turn away? Why did you want to leave?"

Should he say what he saw? A weird temptation to let it all out, yet Kwan was afraid of every consequence. What if!

" I don't know why I did it. Temporary insanity, maybe. Did you ever do something that makes absolutely no sense, but you just couldn't help yourself?"

The younger man chuckled, his eyes gazing at his elder brother, "Sung Hee, noona is waiting for you, go..."

"Sung... for me? But she- Hyon she broke up with me, I-"

"Hyung, you love her, don't you?"

"But Hyon-"

"You love Sung Hee noona, and that's all that matters, shall ever matter."

Given his deafness, the auditory part of the brain, deprived of its usual input, had started to generate spontaneous activity of its own, and this took the form of hallucinations, mostly memories from his earlier life. The brain needed to stay incessantly active, and if it was not getting its usual stimulation, it would create its own stimulation in the form of hallucinations.

And Hyon had a stranded prosperity traversing all upon his sharpened features. He said Sung Hee had been waiting for Kwan, her beloved. But she got married, she left him, she asked him to stay away, she said he was nothing but a mere fiction in the reality of his life.

But Hyon would never lie to him. Possibly Sung Hee was apologetic, heartbroken, and wreathed, he shouldn't wait, he should run and run until he reaches her.

And he does so.

He walked slowly at first, trading the distance. His feet quickened their pace, and now he was waddling, yet the distance didn't seem to lessen even a bit, and the very next moment he sprinted.

He ran and ran and ran until he saw the sun coming up. His heart stopped because the sun wasn't the only thing that burnt his eyes, but her.

She stood there, raw in her skin.

Kwan eyed her up and down, his steps slowly trading at her. His hands itching, his eyes burning in fear; Her skin was for him to see.

And he raised his arms, unhooking his shirt, and pulls it over his head.

He must cover her up, and no one must see, for it is her. The shirt raised up his torso, gliding over his chest, it soon covered his head and in one go it is off his body. He blinked his eyes, fluttered the shirt, but it was no longer needed. Another body was ready to cover her obscenity.


Thank you Kato!


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