Chapter 32

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It means passion, strength, and love. She said I hummed in response.

"Can I ask you a question" I asked

"You already did" she said chuckling running her finger through my hair

" I want know your past. I wanna know about Noah's father " . She stopped running her fingers through my hair. Looking up at her I can see she doesn't really wanna talk about it.

"If you don't wanna talk about it it's fi-" she cuts me off

"N-no I wanna talk about it your my girlfriend and I don't want any secrets between us i want you know my past it's a long story" she said with a heavy sigh.

Iona's pov:

I was 22 I left New York to go to college In Boston

I used my saved up money to by myself and apartment close to the university.

On the first day of college i loved it there.

Until I met Logan Logan was one of my teachers at the university.

Are relationship stared off as a cute little teacherxstudent romance story like people make it seem in wattpad books.

a couple kisses here and there before and after classes

until he wanted sex

At first I didn't mind it you know I was a young 22 year old I was in that you only live once mine set at the time

A couple weeks go by and everything was great it was really great you know we would sneak around have sex almost after every class or after everybody left school.

He eventually moved into my apartment with me worst idea of my fucking life.

When he moved into my apartment he asked me to be to be his girlfriend of course I said yes because deep down I was falling for him I was falling for him hard.

A month or two pasts and he started to act different he would come home late on the weekdays I didn't go to school.

He was more harsh and rude to me at school he would call me out all the time. I'd ask him why but he just pushed my question aside making me feel like I was acting crazy.

When we went home he would tell me to cook dinner and clean up I didn't think anything of it I thought it was a normal thing in a relationship to cook for your partner so I would Cook and clean every night.

if he didn't like the food I cooked or if I missed a dirty spot h-he w-ould" I stop talking trying to stop myself from letting tears fall

"Iona it's okay you don't have to continue" skylar says softly grabbing my hand

"No I want to" I say and continue talking

He would hit me at first it started off as a slap in the face

He would bring his friends over and I would have to cook and bring them beers he let his friends grope and touch on me I told them to stop but they didn't he didn't do anything about it he just sat there and laughed

this went on for awhile

We would have sex some consensual most not but eventually I got tired and I just took the abuse and stoped fighting.

it I would just sit there and let him or his friends do whatever I felt hopeless, useless I would scrub my body for hours because I felt dirty.

Eventually I found out I was pregnant I had all my symptoms and I told Logan I was pregnant he didn't take it that well he didn't want the baby.
He told me to get rid of it I didn't but he didn't know that

So he started abusing over the stupidest things. It was just a slap here and there but then it got to the punches and kicks.

I surprised I didn't lose Noah at how hard he would kick me in my stomach.

Before going to school i would covers up the bruises and my black eye with concealer Almost everyday I would have a new bruise.

I only went to the university three days out of the week Monday ,Tuesday, and Wednesdays.

On Fridays I would go to the supermarket.

Sam and I were childhood best friends all the way up to when we got into high school she moved to some part of Boston in 9th grade.

I would call and text her but never got a replay I thought she forgot about me.

One day I was got grocery shopping and I bumped into Sam we caught up on what we missed in each other's lives and I guess she notices my black eye and asked about it I didn't tell her right away but I did tell her and eventually told her about my pregnancy and everything that happened.

At the point I was about five six months pregnant Logan didn't know I was still pregnant since I wore baggy t-shirts and baggy

When we had sex I would keep my shirt on and let him do what he wanted to do

he didn't question it all he wanted was sex.

When we first got to together I thought he actually wanted me he would control me to get what he wanted and what he wanted was my body he didn't want me I was naive and thought other wise.

I had a nice body I still do have a nice body I had everything guys wanted. 

nice breast nice ass
perfect curves he was just like any other guy.

He swore up and down he was going to change blah blah I believed him ofc Sam tried to get it in my head that he didn't want me for me I didn'tListen.

A couple months later 8 months pregnant I never went to get a sonogram done so I never knew what it was like to hear your baby's heart beat or see your baby.

he started to abuse me again getting drunk bring guys over I cleaned and cooked guys touched me some forced themselves on me I didn't tell Sam they threatened me if I ever told anybody they'd hurt me so I stayed quiet

Eventually i got enough courage to leave him.

I got tired I was exhausted and I had enough.

when Logan was at work I snuck out of school went home packed up all my things Sam was waiting outside with her car.

I planned running away for about a week.

I left not saying anything I didn't leave at note he didn't need to know where I was going.

Me and Sam left to go back to New York and I had my son it was hard.

The trauma, the nightmares every time someone would touch me I'd flinch.

I didn't date for 2 years after that I thought everybody was the same like he was.

As the years went on my nightmares went away but I still have trauma.

I'm just glad Sam was there to help out with Noah and help me through those dark time.

"That's my past my
Story I guess about Noah's father" i say wiping the tears

Skylars pov:

"I'm so sorry Iona" I say my bottom lip wobbling

"Don't be its fine we'll no it's not fine but hey I'm okay now I have a baby a beautiful girlfriend and are little baby" I say with a smile

"Come on let's get ready for the appointment" i say getting up



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