10. Kiss

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"To visit my daughter...Jaehyun's twin." I managed to breathe out as I fought back the tears.

Jungkook didn't say anything as the shock stayed on his face. After a few minutes of continuous silence I got out the car and moved to get Jaehyun. Every year on their birthday we came to his sister's grave to spend some time with her before we celebrated Jaehyun.

"You are welcome to join if you'd like." I mumbled before walking in with Jae. It took a couple of minutes for Jungkook and Minjae to catch up.

Immediately when we arrived at the grave tears began rolling down my cheeks. I placed Jae down before moving closer to the grave stone and placing a kiss on it.

"Happy birthday my love." I choked on a sob and then place the flowers I bought her in a vase next to the stone.

"My baby. I hope you are enjoying your birthday up there. I love you so much and I wish you could be here with your brother and I. I miss you you so much my love." I sobbed into my hands until I felt two little bodies hugging me.

"Momma, please don't cwy. Sistew will be sad." Jaehyun said while patting my back.

"Would you like to say something to your sister?" I asked Jaehyun as I finally managed to calm myself down.

He sent me a nod before sitting on my lap and facing the grave stone. I wrapped one arm around him and the other around Minjae who was still standing with her arms around my neck. Her action brought me along of comfort as well.

"Jaera, plwease come back. Mommy is always sad and it makes Jaejae sad too. Plwease come back. I miss you and I want to play wif you. I luv you and Happy birthday." He mumbled with tears in his eyes while mine started up again. His words were beautiful.

I knew he did not understand the concept of death when I explained it to him and his words proved it even more. After a few minutes I wiped my tears away and decided that it was enough of being sad for the day.

"Okay guys, it's time for us to celebrate your birthdays. Now no more tears especially from me for today. Let's go." I said enthusiastically even though it still hurts inside and stood up.

The children began conversing as we headed to the car while Jungkook and I just silently walked.

"I'm really sorry for your loss and can't imagine how you've been feeling and still feel." Jungkook broke the silence between us and brought his hand to hold mine.

"Thank you." I responded and rubbed his hand with my thumb.

I sent him a smile before we got into the car and began the drive to our next destination.


After a thirty minute ride we finally arrived infront a huge house.

"Jungkook where are we?" I asked feeling hesitant now.

"Uh... This is my friend's house. The party will be held here for the kids. I hope you are okay with it." He whispered to me making sure the two babies did not hear anything.

"Yeah I'm okay with it." I responded and we both headed out with the kids.

"UNCLE HOBI. IS HE COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY DADDY!?" Minjae yelled as soon as her eyes focused on the house.

"Something like that my love." Jungkook responded to his daughter and kissed her forehead.

When we got to the door we both place the kids down and jungkook opened the door. We let the kids in first.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINJAE AND JAEHYUN!" everyone yelled startling the kids but as soon as they noticed everything huge grins broke out on their faces.

"UNCLE HOBI!" Minjae yelled and ran to a very handsome man with a bright and beautiful smile.

"Hey pumpkin, how has your day been so far?" He asked as he picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"It is nice and... And guess what?" She asked him but did not give him time to respond.

"My best fwiend Jaejae is spending the day with me because his biwthday id today too." She announced happily and got down to drag the man to Jae.

He whispered something to Jae which made my little boy laugh. They hit it off immediately.

While the kids and the man were interacting the others turned their attention to me.

"You must be Y/N." An older woman came to me and pulled me into a hug.

I awkwardly laughed and hugged her back.

"Mom, stop it." Jungkook whispered and tried to pull her away from me.

When we made eye contact his face burst into a deep red blush which made me giggle.

"It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Jeon." I said as I shook Jungkook's father's hand.

I talked to them a little before greeting the rest of the men who were Jungkook's friends.

"I hope you have a good time and Jaehyun as well." Jungkook said as he pulled me aside.

"I and and thank you for doing this for Jaehyun even though you have only known him for such a little amount of time." I responded and pulled him into a hug without thinking.

I was about to pull away when I felt him stiffen a bit but he then hugged me back. His touch was very comforting and it also felt like I have felt it before.


The sun had already set and we decided that it was time to go home since the two babies were starting to fall asleep.

I had fun and most importantly the kids had fun.

Both kids were now five and I could not believe the coincidences about them. Firstly they were born on the same day, basically the same hour and even in the same hospital.

Jungkook had told me about his daughter sometime during the party and I had done the same with my son and that is how we discovered the similarities.

"Thank you for doing this for Jaehyun and it was very nice meeting you all." We all bid goodbyes.


"Y/N thank you for celebrating today with Minjae and I. She really had a lot of fun with Jaehyun." Jungkook said as he walked me back to my front door.

"There's nothing to thank me for. I should be the one thanking you since my baby had so much fun. I also had fun and thank you very much for accompanying me to my daughter's grace." I whispered to him not wanting to wake the sleeping baby in my arms up.

"You are welcome. I hope we an see each other very soon." He said and kissed my cheek before rushing back to his car with a red face.

I couldn't help but to smile and blush as I touched the spot he had kissed. 

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