12. Plot

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Shivers suddenly went down their spines as they felt the get cold. Jungkook was the first one to display a look of confusion but it so disappeared when he saw the woman.

He could help but to feel his heart drop at the sight of her. Why was she here?

She never visited before as long as she got her money but now she was here. He quickly looked back at Lena before turning back to her mother.

"Mrs Johnson what a great surprise to see you again." Jungkook greeted but couldn't help but to cringe when he hugged.

"Ah Jungkook it's lovely to see you again dear. I've also told you to call   me mom. Mrs Johnson just makes me sound old." She responded.

"Yes mom." He cringed once again before pulling away from her.

They both stepped away from one another before Seoyeon Johnson turned to her daughter.

"Lena dear are you not coming to great you mother?" Seoyeon asked her daughter who was still on the couch.

"Of course mother." Lena replied as she stood up to go hug her mother.

"It's nice to see you again mother. I was just a little shocked seeing you after two years." Lena added before pulling away from the hug.

"Well I was in the neighborhood and thought that I should come and see my daughter and my favourite son in law." Seoyeon replied with a huge grin displayed on her face.

Jungkook could feel his skin crawl as he looked at her. From the moment he had met the woman he knew that he did not like her.

She was a two faced which and just like her daughter she was only after his money.

"Would you lik-" he was cut of by the voice of his daughter.

"Daddy can we go see Jaehyun and his mommy today?" Minjae asked still having not noticed her grandmother.

"Baby don't you think you should great granny first?" Jungkook asked Minjae which made Seoyeon visibly cringe at the word granny.

When Minjae saw the woman she gasped audible before running to hide behind her father's legs. Though it had been years since she had seen this lady and she was still very young at that time she still remembers how mean she was to her.

"Omg Minjae it's so nice to see you again my sweet grandbaby." Seoyeon said as she bent a little to greet the small child who in return pressed herself even more into her father's back.

"Bad!" Minjae mumbled in fear.

Seeing this Jungkook immediately picked up his poor daughter who instantly stuffed her face into his neck.

"Ah, I'm sorry she is just a little shy nowadays. Please excuse her." Jungkook told as he patted his baby's back.

"It's alright sweetheart. I know that children behave like this sometimes. She will eventually warm up to me in the days to come." She responded with one of her sickingly sweet smiles.

"Please do excuse us then." Jungkook said and without giving them a chance to say anything walked to the front door to leave.

When he shut the door behind him he could not help but to feel relieved. Dealing with Lena was already bad enough and now with her mother in the equation would just be hell for him.

On the other side of the door, Seoyeon immediately lost her smile as soon as the door shut.

"We have to be quick because at this rate you are going to be divorced." She said before she and her mother went to sit down.

"Now I am going to tell you what the plan is and you better listen up closely. Hopefully when everything goes well you will have that's husband of yours eating out of the palm of your hand." Her mother said before she started explaining everything.


"Oh Jungkook what are you doing here?" Y/N asked as she opened the door to find both Jungkook and his daughter standing there.

"Ah well, Min-Min here was missing her best friend and I thought we might as well come and visit. I'm sorry for not informing you before hand." He apologized which made her smile a bit.

"It's alright please come in." She said as she stepped away from the door.

When they were both in she closed the door before leading them to the living room.

"JAEHYUN, MINJAE IS HERE!"  She shouted for her son.

"MINJAE!" They heard him exclaim before they heard footsteps.

Not long after the little boy came running down the stairs and hugged his best friend.

"Hi Jaejae." Minjae said as she hugged her best friend back.

"Jaehyun I told you to stop running down the stairs. You could get hurt." Y/N scolded her child as he pulled away from Minjae.

"Sorry Mommy." He said before dragging Minjae upstairs to his room.

"Aish that child... Would you like anything to drink Jungkook?" She asked as she directed him to sit.

"Ah no thank you. I'm alright." He said and she nodded before sitting beside him while making sure there was a generous amount of space between them.

The two then fell into a comfortable conversation. There were many giggles and laughs as they got to know each other and become comfortable around one another.

There hours went by rather quickly and they did not seem to notice until Jungkook looked at his watch.

"Oh damn. It's time for Minjae and I to go home." He said sadly as he had to cut his time with Y/N short.

"Oh well let me go get Minjae for you." Y/N said before going upstairs to Jaehyun's room.

When they came downstairs they all bid their goodbyes before Jungkook and Minjae left the house.

Y/N felt a smile tug on her lips as she though about her time with Jungkook. It had been years since she had felt this complete.

A few minutes after they had left she heard the door bell and her brows furrowed a bit.

'Did Jungkook forget something?'

She asked herself as she walked toward the door. When she opened it she felt confused as she saw a lady standing there.

"Um...hello how may I help you?" She asked politely.

"You can help me by staying away from my husband!"

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