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Chapter Twenty Two

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It's so damn cold outside. I swear, the weather is bipolar this time of year.

I hug my sweater tighter around me as I try to quickly rush into the grocery store for heat. Cameron had said Izzy ran out of diapers, so I needed to get some before I came home from the salon.

I breathe a sigh of relief as the heat swarms me completely.


My eyes pop up as my name is called, and I freeze on the spot when I see Tre carrying a six-pack of beer. If it weren't for those familiar brown eyes I wouldn't even recognize him. He has a beard now, and since I last saw him he must have been going to the gym. His muscles are evident through the black t-shirt he's wearing.

"Tre!" I exclaim in disbelief, unsure of what the hell to even say. The last time I saw him I ended things, and I'm not so sure how he's going to react to seeing me. "Hey. Um, how are you?"

He smiles, his teeth perfectly aligned and white as he leans over to give me a quick side hug.

Okay, so he's happy to see me. That's a good sign.

"I'm doing really well, thanks. Wow, it's so good to see you," he breathes out and scans me over from head to toe. "You look great."

My cheeks immediately turn red. "Thanks, you do too."

Pulling out a cart from the stack in front of me, I grip tightly onto the handle as the awkwardness falls over us.

"I'm surprised to see you here." He furrows his eyebrows together in confusion. "I thought you would still be at Briarwood. Are you visiting family?"

Oh, boy. This is why I really had hoped to never run into him again. I hurt him, but he also hurt me too. After putting a lot of thought into it I realized I never should have given him a second chance after he spoke to me the way that he did at that dinner all those years ago. I was young and naive though, and I wanted to see the best in everyone.

"Um, I moved back," I admit, and I can see the hope spark into his eyes until I add, "For my daughter."

Random people push around us to try and get out of the automatic doors as Tre's lips turn into a thin line. "Daughter?" He nods when he finally realizes I'm not joking. "Wow, that's awesome. Congratulations, Maddie. How old is she?"

"She's almost two," I reply, smiling at the thought of her.

Tre's face seems to be stricken with panic, and I'm not sure why until I remember that I got pregnant not long after we ended. "Cameron." I clear my throat, wishing I could crawl directly into a hole. "He's the father."

"Oh," Tre says. "Right. Are you guys...uh..." He scratches the back of his head. "Still together?"

Another woman passes between us, muttering incoherent cuss words since we're blocking the path out the door. I can't seem to find the words to reply to him because a part of me knows Cameron and I aren't together yet.

But we're working on being back together. I can tell from the way Tre is staring at me that he's hoping the answer I'm going to give him is no, and two years ago that expression he's giving me right now might have worked.

He's so handsome. From the dark skin to the hazel eyes...he could have any girl he wanted. And he will, it's just not going to be me.

"Yeah. We are," I tell him firmly, and the disappointment is evident as his shoulders slump and he takes a tiny step back.

"That's good," he tells me. "I'm happy for you. After what I said..." He shakes his head, but rather than bring all of it up again he just sighs and stares at the floor. "It's good that you found someone."

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