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Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I can see Maddie fumble with her fingertips on her lap as we near closer to the red carpet, and you can hear the screaming from hundreds of people outside as they see different celebrities get out of their cars for the evening.

Reaching over to grab onto her hand, I give it a tight squeeze. I don't need to ask her if she's nervous. It's written all over her face. Instead, I say, "Tell me what's on your mind right now."

She tries to glance outside, but the windows are all tinted, so she can't see anything. "What if I fall?" She chokes out, and that's when I realize that tears are threatening to pour down her cheeks. "Are we going to be interviewed? Do I have to know things about your career? What if they ask and I don't have an answer? They'll think I'm a gold digger. Just like all of those articles said about me."

I knew she was nervous, but I didn't think she was this nervous. It looks like she's about to have a mental breakdown. "Mads, come here," I plead and extend my arm out to her, but she's so freaked out that she's physically shaking.

"Maddie," I say more sternly to get her attention, and she's finally able to shuffle closer towards me, my arm holding her firmly against my body as I tilt her chin up to look at me. "I will completely understand if you want to turn this car around and not go at all. This is a lot for anyone to deal with, and I don't want you to be scared."

"No." She shakes her head. "I want to go. This is your life now, Cam, and if we're going to be together then I need to accept all aspects of your life. I want to do this. I'm just nervous."

She looks so beautiful tonight. I don't think she even realizes just how stunning she looks. That blue looks radiant against her skin, the diamond necklace and earrings gleaming whenever the light hits them.

"I understand why you're nervous," I tell her gently, bringing her hand up to my mouth to kiss it, "but you have no reason to be. When we get out of this car I want you to focus on nothing else but me, okay? If they start shouting things about Isabelle just ignore them. You've got me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you out there."

Almost instantly her shaking stops, her hand squeezing mine tightly again before she smiles. "I love you," she tells me, and my heart completely skips a beat.

"I love you too." I kiss her quickly when our car comes to a stop. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"Yes," she replies firmly. "Ready as I'll ever be."

The driver opens up my car door first, the screaming becoming ten times louder. I go around and open Maddie's door myself, extending my arm out for her to take. It's almost comical how intensely she's gripping onto it as I lead her to the carpet, the shouting coming at us at once.

"Are you marrying her?"

"Hey, look over here!"

"Where's your daughter?"

"Look at me," I remind Maddie as we make our way further down the carpet. "Focus on nothing but me."

We stop for pictures when we reach the middle of the carpet. I smile down at Maddie, her eyes never leaving mine for a second. She's scared, I can tell, but she feels comfortable with me, and with our eyes locked on each other's, I can visibly see all of those nerves flood right out of her system.

Multiple reporters ask for interviews as we pass by them, but I respectfully decline and lead her toward the entrance. Being on the red carpet for one night is enough for her. She doesn't need to be flooded with questions about Izzy or marriage right now.

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