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"Where did you get that two-piece from? Can I borrow it sometime?" Tamah was lying next to me and let her eyes roam over my bikini.

"My mom bought it for me when she and Dad went to Sardinia back in November. They're going again in about three weeks. I'll ask her to get you one because I don't think you'll actually fit in a size 12 or was it 14? I don't know."

"Well, no, I guess not. Also, my boobs might be too small for the top. Booty would fit, though." She winked and smiled.

Tamah, her boyfriend Corey, James, two other friends, and I decided to go to the lake near our city to enjoy the end of the first week of summer vacation. It seemed like all the seniors from our high school had the same idea because the place was pretty crowded. I had already spotted Lisa and her group, including Brianna, as well as Jacob, who was playing volleyball with his friends.

To be honest, I felt kind of nervous being around all of them. Most of the seniors also attended the party at James' house, and I was certain that almost everyone had seen the video. But to my surprise, no one seemed to care. There were no weird looks or judgment. It was as if nothing had ever happened. I started feeling a bit ridiculous, realizing that I had expected the video to have a major impact on my high school life.

With my sunglasses on, I lay on my stomach, pretending to read a book. However, I couldn't focus on the pages. My eyes kept being drawn back to Jacob and his friends, who were still engaged in their volleyball match. Although Jacob was currently taking a break and sitting near the net, facing me, he didn't even glance in my direction.

"You're pretty obvious, you know."

I looked over at James with one raised eyebrow, and he looked back at me with a judgmental facial expression.

"He's right."

"Corey, how do you even know what James means by that?"

"Well, I might not have been at the party, but I did see the video, and Tamah was kind enough to spill all the tea."

"Tamah, I trusted you!"

"I was also the one who actually showed him the video." Tamah smirked right into my face.

"How? I deleted it right away."

"Girl, please. I, of course, saved it before you deleted it."

"How? You were standing right next to me when I first saw it. How is that even possible?"

"I'm fast as fuck."

"That's what he said." I shot right back at her, and we both smirked at each other inappropriately.

"No, seriously, can you please delete it? What do you even want with it? Show it to our grandchildren? Like, 'That is your Grandma. Wasn't she beautiful?'"

Tamah started giggling, pulled out her phone, and actually deleted the video right in front of my face.


"Do you want a 'Thank you' now?"

"That would actually be pretty nice."


"I'm just messing with you, my dearest friend." And with that, she jumped up and pulled Corey with her. "Let's get wet, boy." She actually started running, and poor Corey tried to keep up with her.

"You want to go as well?" James looked longingly toward the lake.

"No, thanks. Let me stalk a bit more, will you?"

James huffed in my direction, got up, and followed Corey and Tamah, who had already gone into the water. Diya and Ben were gone for good as well.

I can now stalk Jacob in peace. That's at least what I wanted to do, but he was also nowhere in sight anymore. Whatever, back to my book then. Fictional romance is better than this real-life shit anyway.

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