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I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time before stepping out.

"Hmm, not bad," I thought adjusting my hair.

Making my way downstairs.I encountered my dad in the hallway.

"Heading out?" he asked, eyeing me curiously.

"Yeah, Chitra and I are off to catch a movie," I replied giving him a nod of assurance.

"Alright, but don't be too late" he cautioned, his voice tinged with fatherly concern and I nodded

I walked Outside of my house and I took out my phone and dialed Chitra's number.

"Hey, where are you?" I inquired, scanning the bustling street.

"Just around the corner, I can see you," she responded, her voice clear despite the background noise.

Turning to my right, I spotted her making her way towards me.

"Perfect, I'll wait for you here," I said, ending the call with a smile.

We reached the movie theater at Centre Plaza.

"Look, there he is," Chitra said and I turned to see Neil and his friends nearby.

"Let's quietly get in line behind them and get the same tickets" I suggested, feeling a thrill at the prospect.

Chitra smirked in agreement, clearly enjoying the plan.

I knew I was teetering on the edge of obsession, but in matters of love and rivalry, every move felt justified.

Pulling my cap lower to hide my face, I stood behind Neil's friend as he bought the tickets.

With a quick glance around, I  purchased tickets for the same show, ensuring our proximity to Neil and his group without drawing attention.

"Got it," I said, giving Chitra a high-five.

Both of us entered the cinema hall.

With the movie set to start in just five minutes, I located our seats, but to my dismay, mine was far from where Neil sat.

I settled into my seat with a grumpy expression.

"Don't worry, after the movie they'll probably grab dinner nearby or in the mall itself. We'll get another chance then " Chitra reassured

"Concentrate on the movie, pay attention to every detail. That way when we meet them, we'll have something to talk about" she advised, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I couldn't help but admire her cleverness. "Wow, Sherlock, you're a genius," I remarked, impressed by her quick thinking.

After the movie, just as Chitra had suggested, they sauntered into Burger King.

Chitra and I followed suit, stepping into the lively fast-food joint.

The aroma of sizzling burgers filled the air as we joined the queue to place our orders.

Our token number was 98, and I couldn't shake the feeling that Neil's order would be 99, given our close proximity to them.

Sure enough, as the token number 99 lit up on the display screen confirming my suspicion.

Neil and his friends approached the counter to place their order. I  observed them as they settled at a corner table.

When our turn came, I glanced at Neil's group once more before turning my attention to the cashier.
Nearby neil y, a table for two  unoccupied

"Your order, ma'am," the cashier said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, accepting our meal, my mind already on securing the nearby table.

"Chitra, let's quickly grab that table," I suggested, eager to settle down.

In my haste, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing my half-full cold drink to spill onto his shirt.

"Holy crap," I muttered under my breath, mortified by my clumsiness.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, looking up to see his reaction.

"YOUUU," we both exclaimed simultaneously, our voices blending in surprise.

Guess who is he? My dearest Academic rival Rohan Mehra

"Like seriously, Miss Mathur? Are you resorting to these stupid pranks just for marks?" Rohan's voice cut through the air, his tone a mixture of irritation and disbelief.

"What? No, Rohan, it was unintentional," I replied earnestly, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Unintentional, just like how my test paper mysteriously fell from your hands in class, right?" he accused, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"What the hell are you even saying?" I retorted, taken aback by his accusation.

"You did it intentionally," Rohan accused me

"Fine! I did," I admitted feeling  frustrated

As I glanced over at the now-occupied table, my heart sank.

I exchanged a glare with Rohan, his eyes reflecting equal parts anger and defiance.

"Fine, let me buy you a new shirt," I offered

"No need. Thankfully, my father earns enough," Rohan replied, his words laced with pride and stubbornness.

"Just an idiot! Because of him, I lost the chance to be with Neil, and now I have to line up for a cold drink again," I grumbled under my breath.

"Let's go, Karan," Rohan said to his friend and they both turned to leave

"Kaali billi raasta kaat gayi mera," I muttered in frustration feeling like luck was not on my side.

"What? What did you just say?" Rohan's voice interrupted my thoughts.

Did he hear me?

" Nothing " I said. I don't want to fight with him here and it could grab neils attention any time

" I heard something like kaali billi? " He asked me. I grab my burger and French fries and made my way towards exist

"Whoa, look at her attitude, man," I heard Rohan comment his tone tinged with annoyance.

"Now what?" Chitra asked as she continued munching on her paneer roll.

"Home," I declared, feeling utterly fed up with the situation.

I reached for my phone to call the driver uncle, but before I could dial, someone snatched it from my hand.

"Rohan," I started to say, but it wasn't him. It was some creep.

"Give my phone back to me!" I demanded, but he was taller than me, so I couldn't reach my phone.

"What about a deal? I'll give you your phone back if you come enjoy with us at the club," the creep proposed with a smirk.

"I'm not interested," I replied firmly, though my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Give me my phone back right now, or..." I trailed off, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

"Or what?" he challenged, a mocking tone in his voice.

"Look, don't mess around. Just give me my phone back. I said I'm not interested in your useless talks," I insisted, trying to maintain my composure.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his hand, interrupting our tense exchange. I looked over to see who it was, and to my relief, it was...

Who it could be?

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