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As I stepped out of the school gates, Chitra offered to bring ice cream for both of us, and I nodded in agreement.

While she went to buy the ice cream.I noticed my shoelace had come undone, so I bent down to tie it.

As I was tying my shoelace, I felt someone's arm around me.

Startled, I looked up to see a guy tying his jacket around my waist. It was Rohan.

"Take your jacket back," I said  feeling my mood sour even further at his playful antics.

Ignoring his presence, I began to remove his jacket eager to put an end to the unwanted interaction.

He held my hand. I was taken back by this unexpected Act. What the hell is he trying to do ?

"Your skirt has a stain," Rohan stated causing my eyes to widen in disbelief.

"No way, you're kidding right? It's just a prank?" I questioned desperately hoping that he was just messing with me.

"I don't do these kinds of pranks," he replied seriously.

Panic rising within me, I  looked around for Chitra.

"Do you want me to drop you home?" Rohan asked, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What?" I responded, taken aback by his offer.

"I'm not helping you or anything. You're my rival, do you think I'll be sweet to you?" he added, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to comprehend his intentions. What was he trying to say?

"I'm simply pitying you... Do you want me to drop you home?" Rohan's words finally clicked, and I realized his true intentions.

He was offering to give me a ride home but in his typical fashion.

he couldn't outright admit that he was helping me, his rival, and the girl he least favored in the class – or perhaps even the entire school.

"No thanks, the driver uncle is here already," I replied, gesturing towards the waiting car.

"Oh," he responded, looking in the direction I pointed.

I struggled to contain my smile at his obvious attempt to save face.

"Well, that's good because I wasn't going to drop you anyway. I was just playing around," he added his words dripping with sarcasm.

As nonsensical as his actions were, there was an undeniable charm to them – a cuteness that I couldn't help but acknowledge.even though it involved Rohan.

"No, no, Sunaina. Cute and Rohan, no way," I reminded myself, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart.

"I don't need your jacket either," I said but to my surprise.

Rohan was nowhere to be found. When did he leave?

Chitra returned with the ice cream, breaking my train of thought.

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