Chapter Twenty Two

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"Wait." Diana gasped shoving Eloise into an alcove behind the heavy drapes. Bell-like laughter filled the empty hall followed voices. Diana felt her lungs squeeze as the Prince and the Fruelin appeared in the hall. 

"Where are you going Prince Friedrich." the musical tone of the Fruelin called, as she rushed behind him. 

Eloise and Diana peered into the scene in a small opening in the curtain as they came closer. Eloise gasped and Diana quickly pinched her to stay quiet. 

"I-I just need fresh air that is all." he replied politely turning his back to their spot facing the Fruelin. "The opera will start soon and if I recall the opening is quite riveting and I wouldn't miss it on my behalf."

"Please, Prince Friedrich I know why you are out here, I saw the look you had on your face." her voice dropped low as she drew closer, he attempted to move back as she toyed with the royal crest that hung from his lapel.

"What do you mean." he asked as he gently removed her hand putting space between them.

"Come now, we finally have a moment alone, the last kiss was too long ago." she sighed.

Diana felt her heart stop, her chest cracking as her breath suddenly felt stuck.

"This is not the proper place nor t-." he said his tone ridged and was cut off. Diana forced herself to look again through the curtains and he held her by the arms as they shared a kiss. The Fruelin holding his cheeks as the searing kiss seemed to last for an eternity. Diana tore away not able to stand it anymore, but it was no use as her mind's eye replayed in her head.

"Let me return you to the box, " he was breathless and proceeded to drag her back down the hall. At that moment Diana thought the world had frozen.

"They are gone." Eloise whispered, Diana finally looked at Eloise from the empty space that previously played out the truth. 

"Oh Diana." Eloise choked as she embraced her but Diana could not even feel her arms that wrapped around her. She didn't even remember arriving back in the box. The lights had already dimmed and the chatter faded into silence. Diana could not focus on the story as the music and sopranos filled the room. She attempted to intensely pin her gaze on the stage, knowing if she moved ever so slightly the royal box would be in her view and she could not risk falling apart.

As time ticked by, the air slowly seemed to feel hot, the corset that wrapped her form suddenly felt too tight, Diana desperately wanted to be home. Not in her London townhome but back at __ where she could wander to her favorite hill, where the tall grass seemed endless and the wildflowers scattered about so she could lay on the cool earth and fade away forever.

"Diana, it's intermission I do not feel well and I think I can convince our mother's to send us home." Eloise said gently her hand covering hers. Diana looked at her blinking slowly processing her words and nodded.

The chatter around her suddenly became too loud and too much. Their was suddenly too many people speaking at her, laughing, and trying to get her attention. "Perhaps some fresh air will do you good my dear." Lady Danbury wrapped her hands around her arm.

Diana looked up when their eyes met Lady Danbury in her infinite wisdom saw her. Really saw her for what she was trying to hide. "Eloise will be along soon enough." she assured her gently.

Diana walked through the throng of people that now filled the hall. The chatter fast and excited about the opera and gossip. The crowd thinned as they walked past the open terrace where many loitered for fresh air. Diana barely registered that she was going into an empty room and not outside.

"This is not the terrace?" Diana looked up at the Lady Danbury curiously as they walked into a room. Her head spun around registering where she was at. 

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now