Chapter Twenty Four

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"Sir Steffen!" Dominic explained surprised, moving between them. Diana hoped he didn't catch him speaking to her without introductions. The gentleman was a soldier in the navy by looks of his uniform, nearer in age to her brother Darcy. He had a friendly smile and his skin was goldened by the sun. Handsome and glancing at her with a knowing look he turned to her brother.

"Mr. Vincent." he bowed. 

"I did not know you were in town." Dominic eyed him with curiosity. Diana smiled politely looking between her brother and her friend waiting for the introduction. 

"Well, I decided to join the season, Sir Elliot has persuaded me." Sir Sheffen's green eyes glanced at Diana.

"Oh? Well, let me introduce you to my sister, Miss Diana Vincent." Diana cursteyed curiosity blooming inside her.

"Just the person I heard so much about." he grinned cryptically. Dominic stiffed eying the man before turning to Diana his brow raised subtly. 

Then it dawned on her, this man must be acquainted with Sir Elliot or the Prince and would be her first suitor. 

"Perhaps we can acquaint ourselves if you would do me the honor of the next dance." Sir Sheffen smiled kindly down on her. Diana glanced at her brother who didn't seem at all too fond of the idea. Before he could speak for her Diana, gripped her brother's arm.

"Of course, the honor would be mine." Diana smiled brightly at him offerieng her dance card.

"Excuse me, I shall collect you shortly." he sent a friendly wink before moving toward another group of soldiers eying them with curiousity.

"Diana." Dominic raised a brow. 

"What is your hesitation brother?" Diana asked curiously lowering her voice from the crowd around thim.

Dominic shifted uncomfortably, many people moving about as he lead her to somewhere private.

"Is his reputation dastardly?" Diana asked worried. 

"Not at all." but Diana wasn't convinced as her brother shifted in discomfort.

"Then what is it?" Diana wrinkled her nose, impatient for his answer.

"His reputation is not necessarily dastardly but their are rumors...questions on his...preferences." he started grimacing. 

Diana blinked, waiting for more. "Preferences?"

"Perhaps, it's not  my place to say." Dominic sighed taking a drink. "You should dance with him."

Diana more curious than ever stood and watched from a distance at the naval officer. The man seemed to be respected enough, no one had shunned or shied away from his presence. Infact, Diana had thought he was rather the epitome of what a gentleman ought to be, though he had no qualms of approaching young ladies without being properly introduced

"Diana." Diana jumped but was relieved to find her friends approaching her.

"I didn't think you would come." Penelope said smiling kindly at her. "It was time, I cannot be ill forever." she took a breath. 

There was still quite the elephant in the room, she still hadn't seen the Prince yet with his Fraulein, she had expected at some point he would announce their engagement or she would arrive with an absurd diamond ring pronouncing it.

"Well, I am quite glad you are here, mother is insisting I dance at least 5 dances tonight and I do not have the stomach to deal with another leering fool." Eloise grumbled. 

"And you Penelope?" Diana inquired chuckling.

"I've had some dances already, mother is of course delighted but I too am getting profoundly bored of repeating the same conversation with different gentlemen." Penelope sighed as fiddled with card.

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now