Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

When Kurosawa Masao woke up, he thought that he was still dreaming. He remembered sleeping according to his recent usual sleep schedule and didn't put an all-nighter just like in the past when he was still addicted to grinding for his characters in role-playing games.

Instead of his comfortable room which was full of his Otaku stuff, and his soft and comfy bed, he found himself outdoors and with his face kissing the ground. He was also put in an uncomfortable and unsuitable posture that didn't suit to do when sleeping. There was also a heavy feeling on his neck and his perception seemed wrong.

After a few seconds of registering those things, he raise his head in confusion as his senses started working and return to their normality. He can smell something burning and the scene that lay before him proves that there was nothing wrong with his sense of smell.

There is indeed something burning. Doubts started to cross in his mind that the current scene before him doesn't appear to be a dream since it is so realistic. But there are also questions lingering.

'How come I sleep in my bed and I found myself outdoors? It's so unscientific! Did someone prank me? Did someone kidnap me?'

Kurosawa Masao thought inside his mind. If it was a prank, who would burn a huge building beside a lake and a forest? If someone would kidnap him, it was basically within the realms of impossibility. Kurosawa Masao is just a normal young man with an ordinary status. No one would gain anything from kidnapping him.

But then he suddenly shuddered as he remembered the dark part of human society. Maybe, they didn't plan to exchange him with his parents. They would gain money by not exchanging him but by pulling out the organs on his body and selling them.

Kurosawa Masao quickly decided to get those dark and morbid thoughts out of his head. He wanted to pinch himself. But to his surprise, he found that his hands were bound together on his back, and from the heaviness and thickness, it wasn't a rope. It was like the same heavy feeling on his neck.

It appears to be a metal.

What the hell is this situation?

The more time Kurosawa Masao spends his time thinking and observing after waking up, the more he realizes how this situation is so very wrong and outrageous at the same time.

While engrossed in his thoughts, Masao heard a sound on his back and it appears that he wasn't alone in this place.

" Ah, it appears that you are awake. "

The mysterious person drawled. Appearing to be bored of this situation.

Listening to the voice, it is a boy. Specifically, it was a young man. Then a few seconds, Masao felt a surprise inside his mind.

The young man has a strange accent. It sounded foreign but it wasn't an accent that give any sense of familiarity. After that, he also realizes that the young man isn't speaking his native language or even the widespread English and Mandarin Language. It was so strange that Masao can still understand him.

Fake coughing, Masao was prepared to speak, and hopefully, since the English Language is so widespread, the young man can understand him.

" Why I am here? "

Instead of speaking English, Masao was surprised to find out that he had also spoken the same language as the young man.

Masao feels himself start soaking in a cold sweat and a chill on his heart. This situation becomes more and more unnatural than it was beyond the work of rationality and logic anymore! Dear old Science Reasoning and Common Sense are being thrown out of the window!

" Hmmm. It is right that you are confused about your predicament. You have been sleeping when you have been taken out... "

Taken out? Taken out what? Masao thought hysterically inside his mind. His position is also starting to bother him since it was so uncomfortable that he was lying down with his face on the dirt and this eccentric kneeling posture with his wrist bound together on his back.

" Yet, you can ease your worries towards those lowly humans as sister Fina is already dealing with those insects. "

Compared to the boring drawl from before, the young man's tone has completely changed. It was a tone filled with superiority, disgust, and intent of being glad at someone's suffering. Superiority –  A sense of being of higher status towards other people. Disgust– Masao can sense the dislike and it was not disguised with the way the young man called those certain people as lowly humans and a derogatory naming of insect.

Finally, Masao feels his curiosity piqued towards this 'sister Fina'. He made his inquiry and the mysterious young man who was still at his back and not shown his face decided to satisfy his curiosity.

" As I said before, sister Fina is dealing with those disgusting humans. As a part of our contract, we are fulfilling your wish of freedom towards the cage that is held upon you, human child.. "

At those words, the mysterious young man suddenly started laughing. It wasn't a pleasant laugh that will let you feel safe. It was making Masao uncomfortable. Other than that, with the new information provided to him, the more Masao was starting to feel uncertain and fear.

Contract? Even his mind supplied a reason that maybe this mysterious young man and Sister Fina are just cosplayers, the way that he was called human child– Masao wasn't a child at all. He was a young man. How could he become a young child?

Before sleeping, he didn't encounter a so-called Gin and Vodka and had been fed with a dubious poison that can turn someone into a child. The last time he checked, he wasn't a famous high school detective.

Kurosawa Masao was just a normal young man who happened to be just an Otaku and someone who was currently a NEET who was living a salted fish life.

After letting out the creepy-sounding laugh, the man continued feeding information on Masao. Yet, the next information broke Masao's hold to his scientific and reasonable excuses.

" Yet, as we gaze upon you, it appears that you aren't human at all... Not a complete human. Like us, demon blood flows within you. "

Demon, Contracts? It appears that he wasn't in what he knows as his home at all. Modern Japan... Could it be that he was transported at a different time? But taking a further leap and as an Otaku, there was a certain possibility that he wasn't in Kansas anymore, but in a different world.

Suddenly, Masao shivered as he feel that the mysterious young man's voice was full of hostility and anger. He can feel something in the air and it was hard to breathe that maybe if he didn't faint in fright, this mysterious thing would make him lose consciousness.

" Then, as we observed further, it was quite unfortunate how I can't vent my anger like Sister Fina. Our father, Demon Emperor Luno Apocalisse Arkavelnias has another bastard spawn again... If it wasn't for Sister Fina's orders, I would gladly tear you apart and make you suffer until you die. "

Listening to the words numbly, Masao has confirmed that he was indeed in a different world and specifically knows the current place or world that he found himself in.

The name Luno Apocalisse Arkavelnias, Demon Emperor of the Demon Empire. He was the main villain of one of his favorite novels.

Masao also confirmed the possibilities of the identity of the mysterious young man who Masao wanted to get away as possible.

And finally, the possibility of him being transmigrated and the current identity that he was occupying.

Terrible... It was terrible.

What did he do to deserve the fate of being transported into this world? And why he was quite possibly transmigrated into dead background character of all things?

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