Ready, Set, Challenge I

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"Come on Veldora, stop sulking." (Rimuru)

Even after eating what normally would fill up a dinosaur, Veldora was still refusing to come out of his tent.

Well, it's not like he's never been like this before. Whenever I mentioned or asked who and where his sisters are, he dodges the questions like a kid refusing to let go of his candy.

And in this case, Veldora had an unexpected run-in with his sister, Velzard. There was also Velgrynd, another one of his sisters, whom he fought recently. It was a properly balanced fight, but Kondo from the empire interfered and tipped the balance against Veldora's favor.

At that time I went into a rage, I thought Veldora had been taken from me. But, that doesn't matter now, Veldora's currently afraid of his other sister, Velzard.

Velzard seemed to be on a different level than Velgrynd, so Veldora's reactions were somewhat justified.

Jeez, I know how terrifying his sisters can be, but he's gotta learn to not worry everyone else.

"Veldora! I'm coming in!" (Rimuru)

"....." (Veldora)

Now then, what to do to encourage him to go outside... ahh!

I suddenly remembered something, right about now, there were tens of thousands of orcs running rampant across the Great Forest of Jura. I don't think they've done any damage yet, considering that I've yet to detect much movement.

But if I leave everything as they presently are, Benimaru and countless other races would lose many people.

With that in mind, I tried to convince Veldora to go outside by giving him this task.

"Veldora, do you remember that at this point in time, countless orcs are now beginning their mindless, rampant march?" (Rimuru)

"Yeah, I do." (Veldora)

Yes, that's a good sign. "Can you stop the orcs? I want the casualties to be minimized, so you'll have to move immediately. If you do this, I'll let you request anything as long as its something within my power." (Rimuru)

I didn't see Veldora's face, so I couldn't tell what kind of thought he was having. But, he slowly turned around with bright almost gleaming eyes. 

"Truly?! I can ask for anything right?" (Veldora)

"Uh, yeah." (Rimuru)

Veldora had been thinking of experiencing something that interested him. Something that he came across by reading sacred texts, and that was—

"—Then, can you take care of my sister if she comes here!" (Veldora)

Eh? That's what you want? 

While I was about to refuse, Veldora burst out of the tent and left with an "Adieu!" leaving me no chance to turn him down.

That old man got away, crap. Still, it's not like they'll be coming here, right? 

«Report, individual Velzard has come within a 100 meter distance and has met with the Goblin Riders.»

Ciel suddenly reported Velzard's presence to me. The sheer suddenness of the news made me freeze on the spot. A few minutes later, Rigurd came to my tent with bad news— one I was already aware of.

"L-Lord Rimuru! This is bad! Lady V-Velzard has come here to meet Lord Veldora!" Rigurd's tone was composed of extreme panic and confusion.

Ciel, is she here with good intentions by any chance...?

I couldn't help but ask, but an ominous feeling swirled up within me.

«Most likely, she's surprised with Veldora's sudden growth, that is, if we go with Veldora's story. Suspicious of such growth, Velzard suspected someone to be behind that growth. Hence her presence here.»

Are you saying she's here to come and see me!?

«I highly doubt she would have a hard time finding us, so yes, she most likely has already pinpointed our location.»

Well, I doubt it myself that we could hide from her too. But if she's here, then it's my job to go and greet her. Last time, she was with Guy who'm I was colleagues with under the Octogram. I don't know if her attitude would change since I'm not of equal position to anyone in the Octogram anymore.

"Rigurd, please tell everyone to calm down, I will temporarily hide you all away to ensure nothing happens to you guys." (Rimuru)

"Understood! But, how will you do that, Lord Rimuru?" (Rigurd)

"It's simple, I will just store all of you inside my [Imaginary Space]. Nothing will reach you guys there, so once I use it be sure to inform everyone of the situation." (Rimuru)

"As you wish, I will do everything to ensure no one panicks!" (Rigurd)

I immediately devour all of the hob-goblins and Tempest-wolves, including Kaijin and the three brothers too. Hopefully, Rigurd would calm them down succesfully.

Now then, it's time to give someone a warm welcome.


Strange. This is truly strange. I sense a powerful individual somewhere inside this deforested area. But it seems like I can't do anything more than know where they are.

I told some goblins riding dogs that I was requesting to meet their leader. It was probably unnecessary but nonetheless, the formalities mattered.

Before I arrived, I could spot Veldora speedily flying towards the west. I wonder what had him so rushed, he didn't even come to greet me.

"What a troublesome child." (Velzard)

Moving on, what I came here for was to confirm my suspicions, so Veldora will have to wait for another time. 

I've found out so far that there is someone interacting with Veldora, and the rest of the people here are goblins, dogs, and dwarves.

As I was about to take a step, suddenly, all of the people here disappeared. I was beyond confused. Where did they go? They just went poof right in front of my face, but there's no trace of magic.

Were they just illusions? At the very least, illusions that could fool my eyes made the one behind it extremely dangerous.

"Greetings, my name is Rimuru Tempest, what brings you here?" (Rimuru)

A platinum-blue haired individual with female facial features came to greet me. It had golden eyes much like Veldora's and Velgrynd's. There was also this uncanny feeling that this individual seemed much like me, a True Dragon. 

What in the world is up with this person.

"Please, there's no need to be so polite. You can talk to me more casually if you'd like. I don't suppose you know who I am?" (Velzard)

"No, I do know who you are. Veldora just spoke to me about you just recently." (Rimuru)

"Oh? Did he say anything bad about me?" (Velzard)

Rimuru was sweating imaginary buckets by now, but since he was a slime, and with the help of Ciel, Velzard hadn't noticed it.

"Nothing anything close to that. He just talked about his recent encounter with you, that's all." (Rimuru)

That's a relief, I wouldn't want Veldora's friends to think I'm a weird sister.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, onto my purpose on coming here." Velzard's aura changed drastically, it seemed like she was just playing around until now. "Who are you, why do you seem so similar to us True Dragons?" 

Velzard realized that Veldora wasn't being controlled or anything of the sort by this Rimuru individual, so her worries there were subsided. But by meeting Rimuru in person, another worry much heavier than the last surfaced.

She wanted to find out who exactly this Rimuru was. And the best way to do that—

"Let's have a duel, shall we?" (Velzard)

—was through a fight.

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